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Aleksandar Uskokov

Senior Lector in Sanskrit, South Asian Studies Council
Aleksandar Uskokov

Aleksandar Uskokov is Senior Lector in Sanskrit in the South Asian Studies Council. He works in Indian philosophy and the history of ideas, primarily in the traditions of Vedānta, Mīmāṁsā, and Vaishnavism. He holds a PhD in South Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago, and a BA and an MA in philosophy from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. His most recent book publication is The Philosophy of The Brahma-sutra: An Introduction from Bloomsbury Academic. Aleksandar has also published in the Journal of the American Oriental Society, the Journal of Hindu Studies, and the Journal of Vaishnava Studies, as well as in the Springer Encyclopedia of Hinduism and Tribal Religions. In addition, he has published Macedonian translations of select Upaniṣads, Kālidāsa’s Abhijñāna-Śākuntalam, the Nalopakhyāna, and the Hitopadeśa.

Aleksandar teaches Sanskrit at all levels; specialized courses in premodern South Asian Languages (Vedic and Pali); as well as Indian philosophy and Sanskrit literature in translation. His current projects include several research papers on the Vaishnava intellectual Jīva Gosvāmin (16th century)‚ and a monograph on the hermeneutics of liberation in early Advaita Vedānta for the Rocher Indology Series, Oxford University Press.

The Philosophy of the Brahma-sutra: An Introduction

Aleksandar is also a member of the graduate faculty in the Department of Religious Studies, in the Asian Religions and Philosophy of Religion fields of study.

Phone: 203-432-1972