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Yale Vietnamese Studies Group

The Yale Vietnamese Studies Group / Nhóm Việt Nam Học Đại Học Yale (YVSG) was formed in Fall 2000 when several graduate students from various departments with a common interest in Vietnam launched an interdisciplinary workshop and study group. It was the hope of its founders that YVSG would provide a forum for critical analysis of works-in-progress, practical research experience, and promotion of research in Vietnam.

Today the YVSG brings together both graduate and undergraduate students and faculty across a range of disciplines. The current program continues to provide a space for students and scholars to present and workshop their current research. The YVSG also works with the Council on Southeast Asia Studies to invite guest speakers and artists throughout the year. Topics for both student and invited talks span disciplines from history to literature to public health.

Faculty Advisors

Council on Southeast Asia Studies
Senior Lector II in Vietnamese Language Studies, Council on Southeast Asia Studies
Academic Year: 2024-25
Quan Van cseas