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Vietnamese Language Resources

There are many resources available for those who wish to learn more about the language, literature, history, and culture of Vietnam. 

In addition to overseeing language instruction in Vietnamese and Indonesian, the Yale Council on Southeast Asia Studies (SEAS) coordinates a multidisciplinary program promoting education, research and intellectual exchange on the cultures, politics and economies of Southeast Asia. Council faculty and staff are available to advise and assist you in pursuing academic interests relevant to the region. The SEAS Yale Vietnamese Studies Group (YVSG) coordinates a forum for critical analysis of works-in-progress and promotion of research and cultural studies in and about Vietnam, and works with the Council on Southeast Asia Studies to invite guest speakers and artists. Sign up for the SEAS list-serve to receive announcements about seminars, film screenings, and cultural events relating to Vietnam and other countries of the region throughout the year.

If you have a topic on which you would like to conduct research, you may access the extensive resources at Yale University’s libraries, particularly the Southeast Asia Collection in Sterling. Also visit the Southeast Asian Studies Reading Room on the third floor of SML. This room has current magazines, newsletters, and newspapers published in the countries of Southeast Asia. The helpful staff in the Reading Room are happy to assist you.

Experiencing Vietnam’s language, culture and history can also be done through various Study Abroad programs sponsored by Yale and other institutions. Students at Yale can apply for summer fellowships to support study or research projects in Vietnam.

Yale Center for Language Study

Yale Vietnamese Studies Group (YVSG)

Other Resources and Opportunities
via the Vietnamese Students Association (ViSA) at Yale