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Translation Initiative Summer Graduate Fellowship Application

Translation Studies Initiative Summer Graduate Fellowship Application

Applicant Information


Net ID:


Proposed Project

We invite you to share a short paragraph in response to the following prompts:

1) Describe the proposed project (up to 500 words) for which you seek funding. How does it fit the aims and goals of the Translation Initiative? (See the Translation Initiative’s website for more information.) If the project involves travel, please tell us the country or countries to which you will travel, the approximate dates, and the number of travel days in total.

2) Provide a brief account (up to 500 words) of your experience in the field of translation (literary translation or translation studies). If you’re applying in literary translation, feel free to provide a short  sample of a translation or translations you’ve done in the past. The sample should be no longer than 2-3 pages and include a short headnote about the sample. It doesn’t need to be related to the project you’re applying with. 

3) Describe (up to 500 words) how the proposed project will positively impact your academic research and/or planned future career. 

4) Describe (up to 500 words) how you hope to share results/material from the proposed project with the Yale Translation community.

Funding Request

What is the requested funding amount? (Up to $2000, but can be considerably less)

Please provide an itemized budget that justifies the requested funding amount. How will you use the money?

Will this project be supported by other funding sources? If so, please name the additional funding sources.

Additional Information

Is there anything else you would like to share with us? We welcome your thoughts and feedback.