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Along the Color Line: Political

Citation Information:

“Along the Color Line: Political,” The Crisis, v. 1, n. 1, November 11, 1910.

The ‘grandfather’ clause of the Arkansas Constitution reads as follows:

“Section 4a. No person shall be registered as an elector of this State, or be allowed to vote in any election held herein, unless he be able to read and write any section of the Constitution of the state of Oklahoma; but no person who was on January 1, 1866, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under any form of government, or who at that time resided in some foreign nation, and no lineal descendant of such person, shall be denied the right to register and vote because of his inability to so read and write sections of such Constitution.”

“Precinct election inspectors having in charge the registration of electors shall enforce the provisions of this section at the time of registration, provided registration be required. Should registration be dispensed with the provisions of this section shall be enforced by the precinct election officers when electors apply for ballots to vote.”

This amendment has been voted upon and the votes tallied , but as official count has not been announced, and probably will not be until just before the general election in November.