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Extract of a Letter...

Citation Information: “Extract of a Letter…” The London Chronicle, from Thursday, January 2 to Saturday, January 4, 1800, Vol. 87.

Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Jan. 3

“Religious persecution still continues, to rage with unabated violence among us, in certain counties. In those of Wicklow and Wexford, scarce a day passes without some shocking and barbarous instance of its effects; and on Wednesday, the 19th of December aft, a Roman Catholic Chapel was burned to the ground in the neighbourhood of Newport, in the county of Mayo, by a party of Orange Men.

“Alarming symptoms are again shewing themselves in the county of Antrim. …

“Two transports, laden with Irish troops, among which was a regiment of cavalry, (the Green Horse) sailed this day for Liverpool. Seven more transports are under engagement for the like service.

“On Wednesday a Cabinet Council was held here on the subject of the Union.

“We learn from a correspondent, that the gaoler of Athy, having gone to lodge some prisoners in Naas Gaol, is supposed to have been murdered, as the chaise which conveyed him returned, with the driver therein shot through the back, the horses having instinctively found their way home. No intelligence had been obtained of the gaoler when our correspondent wrote.

“On Sunday evening arrived from England a detachment of the 35th regiment, of which Gen. Lenox is Colonel. The gallant behaviour of the corps, while in Holland, under the command of his Royal Highness Prince William of Gloucester, and the severe loss it sustained there, gained them the particular approbation of their heroic Commander. They are now to be completed by volunteers from the militia of this country, and are to march for Drogheda this day, where they are to remain.

“His Excellency Marquis Cornwallis held a Privy Council at the Castle on Tuesday, which was attended by his Grace the Archbishop of Tuam, Marquis of Waterford, Earls Shannon and Ely, Lord Commissioner Carleton, and the Right Honourables J. Blaquiere, R. Annesley, Lodge Morres, &c.

“Besides the routine shipping business transacted by the Council, two Proclamations were ordered to be issued, one offering a reward of 100l. for the apprehension of each of the barbarous offenders concerned in the murder of Mr. James Monks, at Lelands, in the county of Dublin, on Friday night last.

Extract of a Letter from Norwich, Dec. 29.

“The following is a copy of a letter form Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. Judge Advocate General, to Mr. John Foreman, accompanied with the copy of the sentence of a General Court Martial, held at Norwich on the 9th of Dec. 1799, and subsequent days, for the trial of Mr. John Foreman, Surgeon of the 49th regiment of foot, for neglect of duty.


“Having yesterday had the honour of laying before his Majesty the proceedings of the General Court Martial upon your trial, I embrace the first opportunity of sending you a copy of the sentence or opinion of the Court, which has done you justice, and which, I have the satisfaction to tell you, has received his Majesty’s entire approbation. I am Sir, &c.

(Signed) Charles Morgan.”


Friday, Jan. 3.


Dublin, Dec. 26.

It is an incontrovertible fact, that in the expectation of an Union speedily taking place, the market price of Landed Property in Ireland has risen from 15 to 20 years purchase.

The Right Honorable the Speaker has notified, that at the end of fourteen days he will issue his Warrant for electing A Burgess for Hillsborough, in the place of Wm. Montgomery, Esq. Deceased; as also, for a Burgess for Wicklow, in the place of Daniel Gahan, Esq. Deceased.

We are concerned to hear that a spirit of outrage still continues to exist in the county of Armagh, where, on the night of the 15th inst. a number of cattle, the property of Joseph Hall and Co. were poisoned on the lands of Clonmacale.

An occurrence of a very extraordinary kind took place a few days since in the county of Wexford, at Clough-est Castle, the feat of Dr. Richard Waddy. Dr. Waddy having rendered himself very obnoxious to the rebels by his active loyalty during the rebellion, particularly by having been principally concerned in the apprehension of Baganel Harvey, found it necessary, for the safety of his life, to reside in the old vaulted Castle of Clough-est, where the entrance of his bed-chamber was secured by an antique Portcullis; thus fortified, Dr. Waddy had hitherto defied all the threats of assassination which came against him from every side.

A few days ago, a mendicant Popish Friar, of Taghmon, named Burn, visited the Doctor at his Castle, and was hospitably entertained at dinner-in the evening, when it was time to part, Burn begged to be allowed to remain; and after some difficulty on the part of his host, was permitted to lie in a second bed in the vaulted chamber. While the Doctor and the Friar were going to their beds, the Friar expressed great anxiety that his host should say his prayers; a duty which the Doctor, who had drank freely, seemed disposed to neglect. In the middle of the night, Dr. Waddy heard somebody drawing his cavalry sword; which hung at his bed’s head, and immediately after was attacked by the Friar, who had arisen from his own bed, dressed himself, and was now endeavouring to murder his host; the latter received several wounds in the head and arm, and at length the Friar, supposing that he had accomplished his purpose, attempted to escape under the Portcullis. Dr. Waddy had just strength enough remaining to loose the cord which supported it; and it fell on the Priest with such violence as almost to sever his body, which fell down lifeless into the apartment below. The next morning the body of the Friar was found; and the servants going into their master’s apartment, found him covered with his own blood. Immediate medical aid was had, and we have the satisfaction of learning that Dr. Waddy is now out of danger.

A Coroner’s Inquest was held on the body of Burn, and the Jury (composed of the Roman Catholic inhabitants of the neighbourhood) found a verdict of “Accidental Death.” Dublin Journal, Dec. 27.