“The History and Art of Capoeira”
Thomas J. Desch-Obi, Assistant Professor, Baruch College, and Efraim Silva, Capoeira Master, The Connecticut Capoeira Center
March 21, 2009
T.J. Desch Obi discussing the history of Capoeira in the classroom
Workshop attendees in the classroom
Workshop attendees in the classroom
Capoeira master Efraim Silva plays while two dancers perform
Workshop attendees practice with sticks
Workshop attendees practice with sticks
A capoeirista performs a handstand
T.J. Desch Obi and guest practicing the art of machete
Playing the berimbau
Efraim Silva and the performing troupe at the drums
Dana Schaffer and Efraim Silva kicking away
Efraim Silva and TJ Desch-Obi
Video, by attendee Arnold Braff