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About the Project- Tangled Roots

The documents on the site are material for learning about individual leaders, historical events, economic, political and social factors and cultural achievements. There are several ways to access the documents.

Searching the documents:

The documents on the site are classified by Date and Author. For first time users of the site, it might be useful to begin with Getting Started. In the section, there are ten questions about some of the history of African and Irish Americans. The answers to each question provide a link to documents. The links show how anyone can begin to explore the overlapping history.

Making Connections shows ways of linking the documents to each other and has links to documents in Time Lines, and VoicesBarrier Breakers has information about Irish and African American leaders and links to Internet web sites.

Links to Internet web sites are in Online Resources.

Resources in Print:

Information about print resources are in Contemporary Access Roads and in Sources. Contemporary Access Routes is a list of books about race and ethnicity, published since 1990. Sources is a bibliography of material used in researching the project.