Accepting the Unacceptable: Legitimizing and Criticizing Slavery before the Abolitionist Era
Part of the Racism, Xenophobia, and Slavery before the Modern Era Lecture Series. Olivier Ptr-Grenouilleau is a specialist of the history of slavery. His book, Les traites ngrires. Essai dhistoire globale (Gallimard, 2004, currently being translated English), contextualized the transatlantic slave trade in a global historiographical perspective in view of the black slave trade in Africa from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. This book won the French Senate history book award for 2005, the French Academy essay award for 2005, and the Chateaubriand la Valle au Loups History award for 2005. Prof. Ptr-Grenouilleau is also the author of Largent de la traite. Milieu ngrier, capitalisme et dveloppement: un modle (1996), Les ngoces maritimes franais XVIIe-XXe sicle (1997), and Saint-Simon (1760-1825). Lutopie ou la raison en actes (2001).