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Transcription: Robert Wailay saith that he see John Hall and he said he had been hireing (sic) his Negro out and said further that he had been making a Bargain with his Negro to work three years with him and then the said Negro might go free and when he the said Wailay to the said Hall make the above discourse was three years ago last spring.  The 2d. Of July, 1796

Robert Wailay (signed by mark)

Witness Present

Wm. Mott (? partially illegible)  

I was at John Halls some time in the fall of the year 1793 and in Some Discourse Respecting his Black man.  He said that he was gone to work his freedom and that after his working three years he was to be free, and that he had gone out on that account the Spring before.  

Robert Hubbs


Wm. W. Woolsey as Chairman wrote to the person above mentioned but received no answer.  


Black man’s name Andrew about 24 years old.

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