Current Fellows (Draft)
Postdoctoral and Faculty Fellows
Visiting Fellows (4 months)
Sasha Turner, GLC Visiting Associate Professor: September—December 2017
(Associate Professor, History, Quinnipiac University)
Book Project: “Slavery, Emotions, and Gendered Power”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, October 23, 2017
Julie Miller, GLC Postdoctoral Associate: February—May 2018
(PhD Candidate, History, Harvard- degree expected December 2017)
Project: “The History of the Person in America Before the Civil War”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, March 5, 2018
Jen Manion, GLC Visiting Fellow: November 2017
(Associate Professor, History, Amherst College)
Project: “Policing Freedom: The Fugitive Slave Act and the Rise of Anti Cross-Dressing Laws”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, November 27, 2017
Hannah-Rose Murray, GLC Postdoctoral Fellow: February 2018
(PhD Candidate, American Studies and History, Univ. of Nottingham, UK- degree expected December 2017)
Project: “ ‘It is Time for the Slaves to Speak’: Transatlantic Abolitionism and African American Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Britain”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, February 19, 2018
Anita Rupprecht, GLC Visiting Fellow: March 2018
(Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Historical Studies, University of Brighton, UK)
Project: “ ‘Liberated Africans’, Indenture and Resistance in the British Caribbean 1807-1828.”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, March 26, 2018
Selena Sanderfer, GLC Visiting Fellow: April 2018
(Assistant Professor, History, Western Kentucky University)
Project: “Involuntary Pilgrimage: Black Southerners and Territorial Separatism, 1783-1904.”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, April 23, 2018
Urvashi Chakravarty, GLC Visiting Fellow: May 2018
(Assistant Professor, English, George Mason University)
Project: “Fictions of Consent: Slavery, Servitude, and Free Service in Early Modern England.”
Brown Bag Talk: Monday, May 14, 2018
Amanda Bellows, GLC Postdoctoral Fellow: May 15-June 12, 2018
(Project Historian, New York Historical Society; Adjunct Assistant Professor at Hunter College, Middlebury College, and the New School for Social Research)
Project: “Memories of American Slavery and Russian Serfdom on the Fiftieth Anniversaries of Emancipation”
Brown Bag Talk: WEDNESDAY, May 2, 2018