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Fighting for the Empire and Freedom: Brazilian Recruitment of Slaves During the War against Paraguay (1864-1870)

230 Prospect (PROS230), Room 101
230 Prospect St., New Haven CT, 06511

During five years and four months, four countries – Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay – were drawn into fighting. As in the Union Army during the American Civil War, Brazilian war efforts were marked by a growing scarcity in the provision of new recruits. My presentation examines how the recruitment of the Brazilian slaves and their transformation into “free soldiers” became a question of state during the War against Paraguay. My talk will focuses on the responses of the monarchy’s supporters to the increasing tensions resulting from the expansion of recruitment in the country. It will also discuss the attitudes of those freed to enlist and their socialization into the army. This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we’ll provide the drinks & dessert.