Austin Reed's The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict
10:45-noon: Austin Reed’s Manuscript (Sterling Memorial Library International Room)
Melissa Barton, Curator for Prose and Drama, Yale Collection of American Literature
Marie-France Lemay, Yale University Library
noon-1pm: lunch break
1-1:15: Welcome
Caleb Smith, Yale University
1:15-2:30: Austin Reed and African American Literature
Louise Bernard, Ralph Applebaum Associates
Jeannine DeLombard, University of California, Santa Barbara
Moderator: Robert Stepto, Yale University
2:30-2:45: coffee break
2:45-4pm: Austin Reed and African American Captivity
Joy James, Williams College
Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine
Moderator: David Blight, Yale University
4-4:30: Concluding Round-table
Louise Bernard, David Blight, Jeannine DeLombard, Joy James, Caleb Smith, Robert Stepto, Geoff Ward
4:30-5:30: Reception
Sponsored by the Beinecke Library, the Gilder Lehrman Center for Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, the Department of African American Studies, and the Department of English.