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Blackness in Europe: Professional Learning Series

Exploring Blackness Across Europe

Join us for an enriching professional development series that examines the complexity of racial formations in the classroom by exploring Blackness in Europe. Through conversations with historians and guest speakers, we will uncover the legacies of key figures such as Nathaniel Wells, Shakespeare, and the Tudor period. We will also explore how technology can help bring these stories into the contemporary classroom in meaningful and engaging ways. 

This series will delve into themes in art, literature, theater, and historical sources, using both primary and secondary materials to deepen our understanding of race and identity across time.

February 26th Defining Race in the Classroom

March 5th Restoring Voices in Europe Through Technology: Nathaniel Wells and John Blanke

March 12th Race & Antiquity

March 19th Race in the Iberian Peninsula

March 26th Rethinking the Tudor Period

The goal of the program will be to revise or craft a mini lesson pertaining to course topics! There will be a virtual curriculum showcase to be scheduled in April. 

Sessions take place Wednesdays 5:00-7:00 PM beginning Wednesday, February 26th.

*Registration Required 


Ariel Alford-Speaker

Ariel Alford is an award-winning secondary educator and curriculum writer with extensive experience in African diasporic history, decolonizing curriculum, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and engaging The Black Radical Tradition in the United States and abroad.

In addition to full-time teaching responsibilities, Ariel has contributed to various domestic and international initiatives that seek to elevate anti-racist and decolonial teaching in public education. She has written and co-created content for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture North Star Learning Project, the National Museum of Women's History curriculum compendium, Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation Black Panther Party project, and school districts throughout the U.S. mid-Atlantic region. She's also recognized as the 2023 Mt. Vernon History Teacher of the Year in the D.C. Metropolitan area.

Internationally, Ariel was awarded a Fulbright Hays GPA in Tanzania East Africa and Funds for Teachers Fellowship in London, United Kingdom - both projects centering teaching and learning about African diasporic histories, cultures, and liberatory movements. Ariel was also awarded fellowship opportunities in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, investigating the legacy and contemporary impact of U.S imperialism with special attention to the lived experiences of African descendants on both islands.

Ariel currently serves as an active member of Teaching for Change DC Area Educators for Social Justice and Prentiss Charney Fellow with the Zinn Education Project.

Michael Ohajuru

Michael I. Ohajuru is Senior Fellow of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, honours degrees in Physics (Leeds, 1974) and Art History (Open University, 2008), blogs, writes and speaks regularly on the Black presence in Renaissance Europe. Has spoken at the National Gallery, Tate Britain, British Library, National Archives and the Victoria Albert Museum. Featured in TV programs on BBC, ITV and Channel 5. Founder of Image of the Black in London Galleries a series of gallery tours , the Project Director and Chief Evangelist of The John Blanke Project: an Art and Archive project celebrating John Blanke the Black trumpeter to courts of Henry VII and Henry VIII , co-convener of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies What’s Happening in Black British History series of workshops and founder member of the Black Presence in British Portraiture network

Romain Muhammed

Romain Muhammad is widely recognised for his expertise in EDI, specifically focusing on anti-racism, society and culture, class and social mobility, and diaspora/migration. He has appeared on several national media outlets as a representative and spokesperson for marginalised communities and has earned a reputation as a respected writer, public speaker, and social commentator.

Currently, he holds the prestigious position of Aziz Foundation Scholar at Birkbeck, University of London, where he conducts research on the histories and cartographies of 'race' and racism, culture, ethnicity, diaspora, and postcoloniality in post-war Britain. Romain is currently writing his debut book titled ‘The Others we Became’. He is also a member of the Royal Historical Society.

Additionally, Romain is the founder and CEO of Diversify World, a consultancy and recruitment agency dedicated to empowering marginalised communities in the professional world. He started Diversify World in 2023 after spending 15 years in corporate recruitment. He strongly believes that education is the starting point for businesses aiming to create truly inclusive, diverse, and equal practices.