Henry Mounger Estate
Amount of sales of the Estate of Henry Mounger decd. Made the 16th day of July 1796.
1 Negro Man |
Sold to Jnd. Henley |
300.0 |
1 Desk |
ditto |
16.25 |
1 Wheat Fann |
Jnd. Sims |
19.75 |
5 head Sheep |
David Ferrett |
12 |
1 Red Heifer |
ditto |
7.50 |
1 Brindle Bull |
ditto |
6.25 |
1 Year Old Bull |
ditto |
2.25 |
1 Jug 2 Handles |
ditto |
3 |
1 Bee Hive |
ditto |
4.75 |
I ditto |
ditto |
3.75 |
1 Hogshead |
ditto |
1.371/2 |
2 ditto |
ditto |
2.75 |
1 ditto |
ditto |
1 |
Burkitt on the N. Testament |
ditto |
6 |
Davis’s Justice |
ditto |
1.61/4 |
1 Steel Mill |
ditto |
4 |
2 Potter Jars |
ditto |
.621/2 |
1 Pair Fire Dogs |
ditto |
2 |
1 Ditto Ditto |
ditto |
3.25… |
Editor’s Note–This estate sale continues over four more pages, with many other household and farm related items. Some notable items omitted here include a horse $36, a mare sold for $27, and “37 Head of Hoggs” sold for $43. Many of the buyers are men who also signed documents concerning Jude’s trial and execution for which Henry Mounger served as Justice of the Peace (see Trials of the Enslaved). No other humans are sold, and the total sale is $755.18.
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