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Land Commissioner's Office, Maryland Land Office

New Ireland Established in Maryland

Citation Information: Land Commissioner’s Office, Maryland Land Office, “New Ireland Established in Maryland,” Certificate of Survey, Records of Certificates and Patents, (folios 36 and 37, Liber 22)

[This tract of land together with similar tracts called “New Leinster” and “New Connaught” are in the present day Cecil and Harford Counties and at the time together the three tracts were known as the “County of New Ireland” and was so named in a proclamation by Lord Baltimore at St. Marie’s, Maryland, on April 5, 1684.]

“By vertue of a Wart. from your Lopp. [Lordship] to me directed bearing date the 6th. instant for laying out Seven Thousand acres of land in Coecill County for Edmund ODwyre and other Irishmen. Laid out for him and them a certain tract of land called New Munster lying in Coecill County on the Main fresh of Elk River and on both sides of the said fresh beginning at a Markt. poplar on a high bank over the West Side of the said Main fresh and about a piston Shott to the Northward of the Mouth of a Rivolett called the Shure and running West by North three hundred and twenty pches to a Marked oak thence North by East four hundred perches to a Markt Oak thence due North three hundred and eighty perches to a Markt hiccory thence North North West parallel with the Course of the fresh afd. five hundred and fifty five perches to a Markt Oak thence East north East three hundred & twenty pches to a Markt Walnut on the fresh side thence on the same course three hundred and twenty perches to a Markt Oak thence South South East six hundred ninety five prch: to a Markt oak thence due South five hundred and eighty perches to a Markt Oak thence South by West four hundred and ten perch: to a Markt hiccory thence West by North three hundred & twenty perch: to a Markt oak on the fresh side over against the first bounded Tree Containing and now laid out for Six Thousand acres more or less to be held to the Mannor of CoecilI which is hereby humbly certified to your Lopps. this 29th. of August 1683 by


Survr. Generl.

Examd. and Entd. in the Survers. Office in Coccill Co. Book no. 3 fo. 5 by Robt Jones

Dty. Sur. Generall”.