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Lincoln and the Meaning of Emancipation Online Resources

Lincoln and the Meaning of Emancipation
Online Resources


–>Modern Slavery
Joel Quirk
April 16, 2014

Anti Slavery International
Free the Slaves
Contemporary Slavery Education Pack
International Labour Organisation
Slavery Today: Human Rights in the Curriculum,�Human Rights Watch

Why Mass Incarceration Matters
Heather Ann Thompson
March 19, 2013

Fact Sheet: How Bad Is the School-to-Prison Pipeline? (Tavis Smiley Reports)
The light at the end of the tunnel (The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth)
Formerly incarcerated youth: Supreme Court right that kids are different (The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth)
Momentum Grows Against Zero Tolerance Discipline and High-Stakes Testing (Education Week)
Opening Up, Students Transform a Vicious Circle (New York Times, April 3, 2013)
Restorative Justice in Schools (Restorative Resources - Online Video)
Infographic Explores Brain Science and Childhood Trauma (The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth)
Arresting Development: Student Arrests in Connecticut (Connecticut Voices for Children)
Criminalizing Kids: The Overlooked Reason for Failing Schools (Heather Ann Thompson, Dissent)

Immediate Abolition: The Antebellum Abolitionist Movement
Jim Stewart, Macalester College
January 8, 2014

From Moral Suasion to Political Confrontation: American Abolitionists and the Problem of Resistance, 1831-1861, James Stewart
Back to the Future: Historians Against Slavery and the Return of the Scholar as Activist, James Stewart
Images of Abolitionism, powerpoint presentation by James Stewart

Black Abolitionism in the Early American Republic
Richard Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Excerpt from Solomon Northup’s Autobiography
“Trial of the Emancipators of Col. J. H. Wheetler’s Slaves, Jane Johnson and Her Two Little Boys”
Online Resources
UNC Documenting the American South (especially slave narratives and free blacks’ publications)
Preserving American Freedom, Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Boston Public Library Antislavery Collection
The Trial of Jane Johnson, Library Company
Online text of Still�s Underground Railroad

Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation
David Blight, Yale University
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Civil War Letters 1862-1864
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation
Letter from Jasper Barney
Letter from John White
Letter to the Editor from Macy