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Past Fellows


  • Makini Chisolm-Straker, GLC Argiro Fellow for the Study of Modern Slavery, September 2023—May 2024
    Project: “Precarity as social policy: A U.S. history of structural inequity”
    Spring 2024: Undergraduate Seminar, Department of History
  • Mishal Khan, GLC Postdoctoral Associate, September—December 2023
    Book Project: “Abolition Redux at the League of Nations: Managing “Native” Labor in British India and Beyond”
    GLC@Lunch Presentation
  • Scott Spillman, (GLC Visiting Scholar, September—December 2023
    Book Project: “Making Sense of Slavery: An American History”
    Reckoning with Slavery in US Intellectual History and in the University
  • Eric Herschthal, GLC Visiting Scholar, September 2023
    Assistant Professor of History, University of Utah
    Book Project: “Carbon Conscripts: Slavery and the Origins of Climate Change”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Cassia Roth, GLC Visiting Scholar, April 2024
    Associate Professor in History & Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute, University of Georgia
    Project: “Birthing Abolition: Reproduction and the Gradual End of Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Brazil”
  • Briana Royster, GLC Visiting Scholar, September 2023
    Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama
    Book Project: “Preference for Guiana”: African Americans, Emigration, and British Guiana
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Michael Tuck, GLC Visiting Associate Professor, February—May 2024
    Associate Professor of History, Northeastern Illinois University,
    Book Project: The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Cycle of Resistance along the Gambia River in the 18th Century
  • Christine DeLucia, GLC Visiting Scholar; January and March 2024
    Associate Professor of History, Williams College
    Project: “The Itineraries: Knowledge, Sovereignty, and Freedom in the Eighteenth-Century Northeast”
  • Jonathan Lande, GLC Visiting Scholar, February 2024
    Assistant Professor of History, Purdue University
    Book Project: “Warriors, Rebels, and Runaways: A History of Black Soldiers’ Struggle for Freedom during the American Civil War”
  • Christopher Leadingham, GLC Visiting Scholar, May 2024
    Associate Editor, Journal of Appalachian Studies
    Book Project: “The Greenup Slave Revolt: Slavery, Environment, and Resistance at the Edges of the Southern Mountains”


  • Doriane Meyer, GLC Postdoctoral Associate Fellow, “Ending Slavery in the Built Environment” project; Lecturer in Yale School of Architecture, January—December 2022
    Assistant Professor, Architecture Program, Del Mar College
    Book Project: “Spaces of Power and Resistance in the Bahian Recôncavo Plantations”
    Perspectives on Slavery and Freedom in Brazil presentation - in English, in Portuguese
  • João José Reis, GLC Visiting Professor, September—December 2022
    Professor of History, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
    Book Project: “From Slavery to Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: The Trajectory of Manoel Joaquim Ricardo.”
    Perspectives on Slavery and Freedom in Brazil presentation - in English, in Portuguese
  • Amanda Gibson, GLC Post-Doctoral Associate, January—April 2023
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Study of American Democracy and the History Department, Kenyon College
    Project: “’Worthy of Public Sympathy and Benevolence:’ The Creative Use of Subscription Schemes in Black Communities.”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Melissa I. M. Torres, PhD, MSW, GLC Argiro Fellow in the Study of Modern Slavery, January—May 2023
    Global Health Scholar & Researcher, Global Mental Health Division (Anti-Trafficking Program and the Clinic for International Trauma Survivors); Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine
    Project: “Latinxs Experiences of Trafficking Throughout the Americas”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Ernesto Mercado-Montero, GLC Research Affiliate, February 2023
    Mellon Faculty Fellow & Assistant Professor of History, Dartmouth College
    Project: “The Black Carib Archipelago: Afro-Indigenous Power and Autonomy in the Early Modern Caribbean”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Max Flomen, GLC Visiting Scholar, May 2023
    Assistant Professor of History, West Virginia University
    Project: “Beyond Mountains: Marronage and Revolution in the Borderlands”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Shantel George, GLC Visiting Scholar, June 2023
    Lecturer in Transatlantic Slavery, Department of History, University of Glasgow
    Project: “The Kola Nut in the Atlantic World: Consumption Cultures and Diasporic Mobilities”
  • Nira Wickramasinghe, GLC Visiting Scholar, June 2023
    Chair/Professor of Modern South Asian Studies, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands
    Project: “Connecting Histories of Abolition: ‘Ameliorating’ Slavery in British Colonies in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean”


  • Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, GLC Visiting Scholar, April 2022
    University Professor at the University of San Diego’s Kroc School of Peace Studies
    Book Project: “Bonded: The Relationships Slavery Makes and Why They Matter”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Nicola Denzey Lewis, GLC Visiting Scholar, May-June 2022
    Margo L. Goldsmith Prof. of Women’s Studies in Religion, Claremont Graduate University
    Book project: “Ordinary Christianity: Lived Religion in the Age of Constantine”
    GLC@Lunch presentation
  • Gretchen Long, GLC Visiting Professor, September-December 2021, January—March, 2022
    Professor of History, Williams College Book project: “What Did Slaves Eat? Black Women and Food on the Antebellum Plantation”
    GLC@Lunch Presentation
  • Martha McNamara, GLC Visiting Scholar, May-June 2022
    Director of the New England Arts and Architecture Program; Senior Lecturer in Art, Wellesley College
    Book Project: “Tovookan’s Story: Pictorial Autobiography and Abolitionist Narrative in Antebellum America”
    GLC@Lunch presentation


  • Frank Cirillo, GLC Postdoctoral Associate: September—December 2020
    Project: “The Abolitionist Civil War”
    GLC@Lunch Presentation
  • Crystal Webster, GLC Associate Research Scholar: February—May 2021
    Assistant Professor of History, University of British Columbia
    Project: “Criminalizing Freedom: African Americans and the Making of Early Criminal Reform” GLC@Lunch Presentation


  • Westenley Alcenat, GLC Associate Research Scholar: Sept.—Dec., 2019, Assistant Professor of History and American Studies, Fordham University. Project: “Children of Africa, Shall be Haytians: Prince Saunders, Revolutionary Transnationalism & the Origins of Black Emigration” (podcast episode)
  • Amanda Kleintop, GLC Associate Research Scholar: Feb.—May, 2020, Assistant Professor of History, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Project: “The Balance of Freedom: Abolishing Property Rights in Slaves during and after the US Civil War” (podcast episode)
  • Susan WalkerGLC Visiting Scholar: September 1-30, 2019, United States Magistrate Judge, Middle District of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama. Project: Historical documentation of the Hopewell Church: “The Tie that Binds: Enslaved and Free Baptists in the Heart of the Alabama Black Belt” 
  • Hilary JonesGLC Visiting Scholar: Oct. 1—31, 2019. Associate Professor of History and African and African Diaspora Studies, Florida International University. Project: “West Africa and the French Caribbean: Studying Slavery and the Slave Trade in the French Atlantic” (podcast episode)
  • Saul CornellGLC Visiting Scholar: Nov. 1-30, 2019, Paul and Diane Guenther Chair in American History, Fordham University. Project: “The Pistol and the Whip: The Antebellum Roots of Gun Rights Ideology.” 
  • Lena Gotteswinter, M.A.GLC Visiting Assistant in Research/ Bavarian American Academy: Feb. 1-28, 2020, PhD student, Amerikanistik/American Studies, Universität Regensburg, Germany. Project: “Black hipster culture in music and fashion and the potential of political activism” (podcast episode)
  • Andrea R. RobertsGLC Visiting Scholar: Mar. 10—Apr. 10, 2020, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University. Project: “Co-curating Free Spaces and Places with Descendants of Historic Black Settlements” 


  • Isadora Moura Mota, GLC Visiting Assistant Professor: Sept.-Dec, 2018, Assistant Professor, History, University of Miami. Project: “An Afro-Brazilian Atlantic: Slavery and Anglo-American Abolitionism in the Age of Emancipation” (podcast episode)
  • Karin Zipf, GLC Visiting Professor: Sept.-Dec., 2018, Professor of History, East Carolina University. Project: “Field Ghosts: How the American Farmworker Fought Migrant Slavery” (podcast episode)
  • Rachel Stephens, GLC Visiting Assistant Professor: February-May, 2019, Assist. Prof. of American Art, Dept. of Art and Art History, University of Alabama. Project: “Hidden in Plain Sight: Slavery and Suppression in Antebellum American Art” (podcast episode)
  • Annabelle Meier, GLC Visiting Assistant in Research/ Bavarian American Academy, PhD Student, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. Project: “Georg Jellinek and the Religious Foundations for the first Declaration of Human Rights”
  • Nicholas Crawford, GLC Visiting Fellow: October 1-31, 2018, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse. Project: “Sustaining Slavery: Plantation Provisioning and the Politics of Health in the British Caribbean” (podcast episode)
  • Gretchen Head, GLC Visiting Fellow: November 26-December 23, 2018, Assistant Professor of Literature, Yale-National University of Singapore College. Project: “Ni Esclave, Ni Nègre: Arabic’s Contested Borders” (podcast episode)
  • J’Nese Williams, GLC Visiting Fellow: November 26-December 23, 2018, PhD Candidate, History, Vanderbilt Univ., degree expected Summer 2018; Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Humanities Center, Stanford University. Project: “Race, Place, and Expertise: Working in the St. Vincent Botanic Garden, 1765-1822” (podcast episode)
  • Ellen Gruber Garvey, GLC Visiting Fellow: April 1-30, 2019, Professor of English, New Jersey City University. Project: “Ghost Stories about the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (podcast episode)
  • Holly Lynton, GLC Postgraduate Associate: April 24-May 24, 2019, MFA, Bard College. Project: “The Methodist Camp Meeting Experience, Pre- and Post-Civil War” (podcast episode)


  • Joseph Yannielli, GLC Postdoctoral Associate: Sept. 15, 2017-June 15, 2018, Perkins Postdoctoral Fellow, Council of the Humanities and Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University. Digital Humanities Project: “Runaway New England” interactive website. Book Project: “The Mendi Mission” 
  • Sasha Turner, GLC Visiting Associate Professor: September—December 2017, Associate Professor, History, Quinnipiac University. Book Project: “Slavery, Emotions, and Gendered Power” (podcast episode)
  • Julie Miller, GLC Postdoctoral Associate: February—May 2018, PhD Candidate, History, Harvard- degree expected December 2017. Project: “A History of the Person in America Before the Civil War” 
  • Jen Manion, GLC Visiting Fellow: November 2017, Associate Professor, History, Amherst College. Project: “Policing Freedom: The Fugitive Slave Act and the Rise of Anti Cross-Dressing Laws” (podcast episode)
  • Selena Sanderfer, GLC Visiting Fellow: January 2018, Associate Professor, History, Western Kentucky University. Project: “Involuntary Pilgrimage: Black Southerners and Territorial Separatism, 1783-1904.” 
  • Hannah-Rose Murray, GLC Postdoctoral Fellow: February 2018, PhD, American Studies and History, Univ. of Nottingham, UK. Project: “ ‘It is Time for the Slaves to Speak’: Transatlantic Abolitionism and African American Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Britain” (podcast episode)
  • Anita Rupprecht, GLC Visiting Fellow: March 2018, Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Historical Studies, University of Brighton, UK. Project: “ ‘Liberated Africans’, Indenture and Resistance in the British Caribbean 1807-1828.”  (podcast episode)
  • Urvashi Chakravarty, GLC Visiting Fellow: May 2018, Assistant Professor, English, George Mason University. Project: “Fictions of Consent: Slavery, Servitude, and Free Service in Early Modern England.”  (podcast episode)
  • Amanda Bellows, GLC Postdoctoral Fellow: May 15-June 12, 2018, Project Historian, New York Historical Society; Adjunct Assistant Professor at Hunter College, Middlebury College, and the New School for Social Research. Project: “Memories of American Slavery and Russian Serfdom on the Fiftieth Anniversaries of Emancipation”  (podcast episode)
  • Nicole Schneider, GLC Visiting Fellow: April 2018 - PhD Candidate, American Studies, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. Project: “Reflecting the Past: The Mediation of History in Contemporary Protest Photography” (podcast episode)


  • Christienna Fryar, Assistant Professor of History, SUNY Buffalo State (Autumn 2016) “The Measure of Empire: Disaster and the British State in Postemancipation Jamaica” (podcast episode)
  • Samantha Seeley, Assistant Professor of History, University of Richmond (Spring 2017) “Race and Removal in the Early American Republic” (podcast episode)
  • Mathias Rodorff, PhD Candidate, University of Munich (September 2016) “The American Civil War and the Canadian Confederation in Canada and Great Britain” (podcast episode)
  • Abigail Cooper, Assistant Professor, History, Brandeis University (September 2016) “‘Lord Until I Reach My Home’: Inside the Refugee Camps of the American Civil War” (podcast episode)
  • Elena Shih, Assistant Professor, American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University (October 2016) “The Price of Freedom: Moral and Political Economies of Human Trafficking in China, Thailand, and the U.S.” (podcast episode)
  • Alejandro E. Gómez,  Maître de conferences of Latin American History, at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (November 15 to December 15 2016) “Socio-Racial Representations of Blacks and Free Coloreds in the Revolutionary Spanish Atlantic (1780-1898)” (podcast episode)
  • Manuel Barcia, Professor of Latin American History, University of Leeds (April 2017) “Fighting the Yellow Demon of Fever”: Medical Knowledge Production, Framing and Transfer in the Illegal Slave Trade, c.1820-1866” (podcast episode)
  • Erik Mathisen, Teaching Fellow, History, Queen Mary University of London (April 2017) “Reconstruction in the World: Labour, Race & American Power, 1865-1914” (podcast episode)
  • Ceyda Karamursel, Postdoctoral Fellow, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania (May 2017) “‘In the Age of Freedom, In the Name of Justice’: Slavery, Freedom, and Vernacularization of Rights in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic”


  • Susanna Ashton, Professor of English, Clemson University (Autumn 2015) “‘A Plausible Man’: The Life of John Andrew Jackson”
  • Sophie White, Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame (September 2015) “Voices of the African Diaspora.” An analysis of legal testimony given by slaves in French Atlantic and subjectivity in the French Empire.
  • Julie Holcomb, Assistant Professor, Baylor University (October 20-November 23, 2015) “No One Was More Faithful: George W. Taylor, Quakers, and Reform in the Nineteenth Century”
  • Marie Rodet, Senior Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (Spring 2016) “‘Our Ancestors Came because of Bu Kunta’: Freedom and Belonging in Western Senegal (c. 1880-1940)”
  • Michael Ferguson, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (February 2016) “African Slavery in the Ottoman Empire: Abolition, Emancipation, and their Legacies in the port city of Izmir”
  • Sean Kelley, University of Essex, (March 2015) “Guiney Men: American Merchants and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1645-1865”
  • Joshua Rothman, Professor, University of Alabama (April 2016) “The Ledger and the Chain: The Men Who Made America’s Domestic Slave Trade into Big Business”


  • Oscar de la Torre, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, “Leaving Behind the Big Snake: A History of Black Amazonia, 1850-1950”
  • Ashutosh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dehli University, “Politics of Care: Provisions on Ships Carrying Indian Coolies to the Sugar Islands”
  • Christine Whyte, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Kent, “Anti-slavery, child labour and the family home in 19th century Sierra Leone”
  • Vitor Izecksohn, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, “Two Wars in the Americas: Recruitment, Citizenship, and State- Building in the United States and Brazil, 1861-1870”
  • Michael LeMahieu, Associate Professor, Clemson University, “Civil War, Civil Rights: Genres of Memory in American Literature after 1954”
  • Elizabeth Wright, Associate Professor, University of Georgia, “An Epic of Slavery and Freedom: Rediscovering Juan Latino, a Black African Educator in Renaissance Spain”
  • Yuko Miki, Assistant Professor, Fordham University, “Brazilian Atlantic: Slavery and Freedom in the Age of Abolition”


  • Caleb McDaniel, Assistant Professor, Rice University, “How Slavery Survived the Civil War: Rethinking Confederate Refugees to Texas, 1862-1866”
  • Ahmed Reid, Assistant Professor, Bronx Community College of City University of New York (CUNY), “Slavery and Economic Growth during the Age of Abolition, 1783-1807”
  • Celeste-Marie Bernier, Professor and Chair of African American Studies, University of Nottingham, “Imaging Slavery: Imagining Freedom? Artistry, Agency and Alchemy in African Atlantic Art Histories”
  • Joel Quirk, Senior Lecturer, University of Witwatersrand, “An Uncomfortable Colonial Conversation:  Enslavement and Marriage in Africa”
  • Natalie Irene Joy, Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University, “Slavery as Liberty: The Abolitionist Understanding of Indians and Slavery in the Antebellum Era”
  • Padraig Riley, Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University, “Slaveholder Power and the Democratic Imagination: Freedom and Bondage in Jeffersonian America”
  • Magnus Fiskesjö, Associate Professor, Cornell University, “Chinese slavery: The double-edged sword of state power”
  • Kerry Ward, Associate Professor, Rice University, “Ground Zero: The explosion of anti-human trafficking initiatives in Houston, Texas”


  • Richard Rabinowitz, American History Workshop, “Slavery and Public History”
  • Wendy Warren, Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University, “New England Bound: Slavery and Colonization on the Edge of Empire”   
  • Claude d’Estrée, Director of International Human Rights Degree Program and Director of Human Trafficking Clinic, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, “Methodological Problems in the Study of Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, and Modern Slavery: A Discussion”
  • Alice Bellagamba, Associate Professor, University of Milan-Bicocca, “Yesterday and Today: Oral Sources and the Legacy of African Slavery, the Slave Trade and Abolition”
  • Dale Tomich, Professor of Sociology, Binghamton University, “Atlantic History: Unity and Difference”
  • Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Professor Emeritus, Université Paris-Diderot, “Atlantic History: Unity and Difference”
  • Max Grivno, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Mississippi, “From Bondage to Freedom, Slavery in Mississippi, 1690-1865”
  • Jessica Pliley, Assistant Professor of History, Texas State University, “The FBI’s Local White Slavery Corps: The Fight Against Sex Trafficking and the Growth of the Associative State, 1910-1919”
  • Karolyn Smardz-Frost, Senior Research Fellow, Harriet Tubman Institute, York University, Adjunct Professor, Acadia University, “I’ve Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Underground Railroad”


  • Steven Deyle, Associate Professor, University of Houston, “Honorable Men: Isaac Bolton, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the Murder of James McMillan” 
  • Christoph Witzenrath, Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen, “Slavery, Redemption, and Moral Capital in 17th-Century Ukraine”
  • Rosanne Adderley, Associate Professor of History, Tulane University, “Matta’s Day in Court: Black Female Subjects and Anglo-Spanish Struggles over Slave Trade Abolition”
  • Greg Downs, University of California, Davis, “Emancipated into the State: American Reconstruction and the Problem of Occupation”
  • Samuel Martinez, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut, “Look Behind the Label: Rhetorics and Narratives of Contemporary Slavery”
  • Audra Diptee, Assistant Professor, Carleton University, “Les enfants oubliés: Children, Childhood & Slavery in colonial French West Africa”
  • Zoe Trodd, Chair of American Literature, Department of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, “The After-Image: Frederick Douglass in Visual Culture”


  • Elisabeth Anstett, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, “Comparative Analysis of Russian and American Museology of Forced Labor”
  • Charles Foy, Eastern Illinois University, “Prize Negroes in the Age of Sail”
  • Richard Huzzey, University of Liverpool, “National Sin: Popular Politics and British Anti-Slavery, c. 1787-1833”
  • Jane Landers, Vanderbilt University, “African Kingdoms, Black Republics, and Free Black Towns in Colonial Spanish America”
  • Kay Wright Lewis, Assistant Professor, Norfolk State University, “A Curse Upon the Nation: Ideas about Race, Freedom, and Extermination”
  • Steven Heath Mitton, Utah State University, “The Underground War: Slaveholding America, Postemancipaiton Britain, and the Struggle for Mastery of the Atlantic”
  • James Walvin, Professor Emeritus, University of York, “A Persistent Problem: Slavery and the Modern Imagination”


  • Matthew Hopper, Calpoly San Luis Obispo, “Slaves of One Master: Globalization and the African Diaspora in Arabia in the Age of Empire”
  • Brooke Newman, Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University, “Mastery and Empire: Metropolitan Culture and Slaveholding in the British Caribbean, 1661-1773”
  • Yael Sternhell, University of Tel Aviv, “Revolution in Motion: The Civil War in the South”
  • Jim Downs, Connecticut College, “Diagnosing Freedom: The Deadly Consequences of Emancipation in the United States”
  • Michael Fitzgerald, St. Olaf College, “Emancipation and Economic Development in Alabama Reconstruction”
  • Mariana Candido, Notre Dame University, “Benguela and South Atlantic Slavery, 1700-1850”
  • Richard Bell, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, “The Tunnel of Horrors: Abolition and the Meaning of Slave Suicide”
  • Emma Christopher, University of Sydney, “Mesurado Beach: An African Slave Factory and Its Legacy”
  • Kimberly Juanita Brown, “The Repeating Body: Slavery’s Resonance in the Contemporary”


  • Robert Bonner, Dartmouth College, “Slaveownians Abroad: Southern Confederates on the Global Stage”
  • Garnette Cadogan, Independent Scholar, “Songs of Freedom: Jamaican Popular Music as Slave Narrative”
  • Anna Mae Duane, University of Connecticut, Torrington, “Performing Freedom: The New York African Free School, Colonization and Citizenship”
  • Sindani Kiangu, University of Kinshasa, “Mgr. Daniele Comboni: Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition in East Africa”
  • Natasha Lightfoot, Columbia University, “Race, Class and Resistance: Emancipation and Its Aftermath in Antigua, 1831-1858”
  • Mary Clay “Molly” Oshatz, “Morality Marching On: The Antebellum Slavery Debates and the Development of Protestant Liberalism, 1830-1890”
  • Stacey Robertson, Central Washington University, “‘On the Side of Righteousness’: Women, the Church, and Abolition in the U.S.”
  • Joshua D. Rothman, University of Alabama, “Slavery and Speculation in the Flush Times: The Heart of Jacksonian America”


  • Viorel Achim, Romanian Academy, “The Abolition of Slavery in the USA and in the Romanian Principality: A Parallel”
  • Edward Ball, Independent Author, “Long Time Gone: A Documentary Film About the Memory of Slavery in the South”
  • Jeannine Marie DeLombard, Associate Professor, University of California, “Ebony Idols: Famous Fugitive Slaves in Britain”
  • Bernard Freamon, Seton Hall Law School, “Islamic Law and Abolition in East Africa and Arabia”
  • Beatriz Mamigonian, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, “Slavery on Shifting Grounds: Assessing the Impact of the Prohibition of the African Slave Trade to the Legitimacy of Brazilian Slavery in the 19th Century”
  • Diane Mutti Burke, University of Missouri–Kansas City, “On Slavery’s Borders: Small Slaveholding in Antebellum Missouri”
  • Seth Rockman, Brown University, “Self-Made and Slave-Made: Plantation Goods and the National Economy of Slavery”
  • John Wood Sweet, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “The Lost Worlds of Venture Smith”


  • Eric Allina-Pisano, University of Ottawa, “A Modern Slavery: African Confrontations with Colonial Exploitation in Mozambique”
  • Peter Almond, “Sufficient Intelligence: First-hand Accounts of African Americans in the Era of Emancipation and Reconstruction”
  • Ellen Eslinger, “Free Black Society in the Rural South: From the Era of Jefferson Through the Civil War”
  • Paul Gardullo, National Museum of African American History and Culture, “Reframed Conceptions of Slavery through the Work of Black Scholars, Artists and Activists in the 1930s”
  • Benjamin N. Lawrance, University of California, Davis, “Trading Children: Bondage, Peonage, and Brokerage of West African Boys and Girls, circa 1800 to the Present Day”
  • Susan O’Donovan, University of Memphis, “Slaves and the Politics of Disunion”
  • Edward Rugemer, Yale University, “The Problem of Emancipation: The United States and Britain’s Abolition of Slavery”
  • Mariza de Carvalho Soares, Universidade Federal Fluminense- Brazil, “African Slavery in Colonial Brazil: The Atlantic Slave Trade and Catholic Church”
  • Michael Zeuske, University of Cologne, “The Cuban Perspective: A Conceptual and Bibliographical Study of the Amistad Case”


  • Robert F. Castro, CalState Fullerton, “Law, Racial Paradigms, and Federal Emancipation of Indian-Mestizo Captives during the Reconstruction Era (1865-1870)”
  • Rebecca de Schweinitz, Brigham Young University, “‘Borne in this country…bond or free’: Childhood and American Slavery”
  • Mark Elliott, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, “In Quest of a Color Blind America: The Life and Times of Albion Tourgee”
  • Carol Faulkner, Syracuse University, “Lucretia Mott, Liberal Religion, and Antislavery”
  • Roquinaldo Ferreira, Brown University, “Transforming Atlantic Slaving: Trade Warfare and Territorial Control in Angola, 1650-1800”
  • Patrick Rael, Bowdoin College, “John Brown Russwurm: A Biography fo the Atlantic World in the Age of Emancipation”


  • Catherine Benoit, Connecticut College, “The Conquest of Creole Identities: the Experience of Space and Nature in Slave and Post-Slave Societies (XVIth-XXth centuries, Caribbean and the US)”
  • Kris Fresonke, “Cursed be Canaan: Antislavery Sermons in America”
  • David Gellman, DePauw University, “Liberty’s Legacy: The Jay Family & the Problem of American Freedom”
  • Michael J. McManus, McManus, Perkins Assoc, Ltd., “The Missouri Compromise”
  • Seth Meisel, “Slave Soldiers and the Creation of Early Republican Argentina”
  • Richard S. Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology, “Black Founder: Richard Allen, African Americans and the Early American Republic”


  • Amy Chazkel, City University of NY, Queens College, “Rethinking the Legacies of Urban Slavery in Brazil: On the Origins of the Informal”
  • Malick W. Ghachem, Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution: Colonial Variations on a Metropolitan Theme”
  • P. David Richardson, University of Hull, “Death & Survival in the Middle Passage: Evidence from Micro-Data, 1700-1807”
  • Joseph Opala, “Bunce Island”


  • Peter S. Field, Associate Professor, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, “The Intellectuals & Slavery: Public Lectures on Slavery & Abolition”
  • Michael Salman, Associate Professor, UCLA, “Reversibility of Comparisons:  Translocal Genealogies of Slavery, Race, Nation, & Area Studies”
  • Albert S. Yee, “Sectional Concurrence and Divergence on Africans & Slavery”


  • Jeff Kerr-Ritchie, Howard University, “The Cultural Politics of Slave Emancipation in the British West Indies and the United States, 1831-1884”
  • Juan Gonzalez Mendoza, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, “The Imagined Future of Puerto Rico’s Creole Patriots Following the French and Haitian Revolutions”
  • Emily Blanck, Associate Professor, Rowan University, “Revolutionizing Slavery: The Legal Culture of Slavery in Revolutionary Massachusetts and South Carolina”
  • Barbara Krauthamer, University of Massachusetts at Amerherst, “African Americans’ Conceptions of Racial, Cultural and National Identity in the Years Following Emancipation”
  • Hilary Moss, Associate Professor, Amherst College, “Black Acts and Blue Laws: Yale Slavery, and Black Education, 1831-1841”
  • W. Bryan Rommel-Ruiz, Colorado College, “The Birthright of Britons is Freedom: The Stamp Act and the Language of Slavery and Freedom in Newport, Rhode Island, and Halifax, Nova Scotia”
  • Daniel Rothenberg, Arizona State University, “Involuntary Servitude in the South: African American Farmworkers and the Legacy of Slavery”


  • Christopher Brown, Columbia University, “Contests over Slavery in the Early British Empire.”
  • Michele Goodwin, University of California Irvine, “Incidents in the Lives of Slave Women: The Legal and Psychological Dynamics of Antebellum Sexual Resistance”
  • Matthew Guterl, Brown University, “’Exactly Like a Negro Slave’: Labor, Race, and the Aftermath of Slavery in the United States, Cuba and Southern Africa, 1830-1900”
  • Stephanie M.H. Camp, University of Washington, “Viragoes: Black Women, Geography and Power in the Plantation South, 1830-1867”
  • Sue Peabody, Washington State University, “Gender in Slave Societies: Comparative World History and France’s Colonial Slave Regime”
  • Hubert Ngatcha Njila, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (E.H.E.S.S.), Paris, “The Amistad Incident and New Haven Politics, 1810-1844”


  • Radiclani Clytus, Associate Professor, Brown University, “Touring the Empire: Transatlantic Art and the Cultural Vision of Nineteenth-Century Modernity” 
  • David Cobin, Hamline University School of Law, “Attitudes Toward Slavery of Four American Rabbis”
  • Dalton C Conley, New York University Center for Advanced Social Science Research, “Race and Property Rights after Emancipation”
  • David Eltis, Emory University, “Origins and Identities of Enslaved Africans from the Bight of Biafra”
  • Peter Hinks, Independent Scholar, “‘He Was Capable of Great Things’: William Lanson and the Vagaries of Early Free Black New Haven”
  • Hakiem Nankoe, Cornell University, “Decline, Emancipation, and Transformation: The Caribbean Periphery and the Capitalist World Economy, 1760-1860”


  • Ira Berlin, University of Maryland, “American Slavery in History and Memory”
  • Arthur Abraham, Virginia State University, “The Amistad Affair and Sierra Leone”