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Elena Shih and Andrew Crane on Contemporary Solutions to Human Trafficking

Elena Shih and Andrew Crane join Thomas Thurston to discuss critiques and observations on contemporary solutions to human trafficking.

Elena Shih is an Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies and Directs the Human Trafficking research cluster through the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice at Brown University. Her current book manuscript, “Manufacturing Freedom: Moral and Political Economies of Human Trafficking Rescue,” is a global ethnography of sex trafficking rehabilitation programs in China, Thailand, and the US. Her research prioritizes people of color, immigrant, and sex worker experiences of anti-trafficking panics and policing. She is a former Fulbright Fellow to the Beijing Center for Women’s Law Studies and Legal Aid, and former Researcher at the United Nations Inter Agency Project Against Trafficking China office. Her articles have been published in Sociological PerspectivesSocial PoliticsContextsand positions: Asia Critique, and her research has received funding from the Social Science Research Council, Ford Foundation, and ASA Community Action Research Initiative. She serves on the editorial board for the Anti-Trafficking Review, a peer-reviewed journal based out of the Global Alliance Against the Traffic in Women, and the Beyond Trafficking and Slavery editorial initiative through openDemocracy.

Andrew Crane is a Professor of Business and Society and Director of the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society in the School of Management at the University of Bath (UK). He has a PhD from the University of Nottingham (UK) and has previously held faculty positions at Cardiff University and University of Nottingham, and York University (Canada). His recent work has focused on understanding the business of modern slavery and helping public, private and civil organizations develop evidence-based solutions to the problem. His books include an award-winning textbook on Business Ethics, the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Social Partnerships and Responsible Business. He has published in some of the world’s leading scholarly management journals, including the Academy of Management ReviewJournal of Management Studies, and the California Management Review. Dr. Crane is the co-editor of the journal, Business & Society, the leading journal in the field of business and society. He is a frequent contributor to the media, including the Financial TimesNew York TimesGlobe and MailWall Street Journal, and Guardian.

“Slavery and Its Legacies” is available on iTunes and SoundCloud. Email comments and suggestions to with subject line “podcast.”