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Readings Authored By Members

Authored By Working Group Facilitators 

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Genevieve LeBaron:

LeBaron, Genevieve, ed. (2018). Researching Forced Labour in the Global Economy: Methodological Challenges and Advances. Proceedings of the British Academy Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

LeBaron, Genevieve (2014). “Subcontracting is Not Illegal, But Is it Unethical? Business Ethics,Forced Labor, and Economic Success.” Brown Journal of World Affairs 20 (2): 237-249. 

Jessica Pliley:

Pliley, Jessica R. (2010). “Claims to Protection: The Rise and Fall of Feminist Abolitionism in the League of Nations’ Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children, 1919–1936.” Journal of Women’s History 22 (4): 90-113.

Pliley, Jessica R. (2017). “Protecting the Young and the Innocent: Age and Consent in the Enforcement of the White Slave Traffic Act.” In: Child Slavery Before and After Emancipation, Anna Mae Duane, ed., 156-176. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Authored By Working Group Members

Jean Allain:

Allain, Jean (2017). “Contemporary Slavery and its Definition in Law.” In: Contemporary Slavery: Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice, Annie Bunting and Joel Quirk, eds., 37-66. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.

Allain, Jean (2017). “White Slave Traffic in International Law.” Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation 1: 1-40.

Kevin Bales:

Bales, Kevin (2004). “Slavery and the Human Right to Evil.” Journal of Human Rights 3 (1): 53-63.

Bales, Kevin and Zoe Trodd (2015). Addressing Contemporary Forms of Slavery in EU External Policy: Briefing Paper for the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights. Brussels, Belgium: Directorate-General for External Polices - Policy Department.

Bales, Kevin, Jacqueline Joudo Larson, and Monti Narayan Datta (2015). “Modern Slavery: A Global Reckoning.” Significance 12 (2): 33-36.

Datta, Monti Narayan and Kevin Bales (2013). “Slavery in Europe: Part 1, Estimating a Dark Figure.” Human Rights Quarterly 35: 817-829.

Janie Chuang:

Chuang, Janie (2014). “Exploitation Creep and the Unmaking of Human Trafficking Law.” American Journal of International Law 108 (4): 610-649.

Chuang, Janie (2015). “Giving as Governance: Philanthrocapitalism and Modern-Day Slavery Abolitionism.” UCLA Law Review 62: 1516-1556.

Andrew Crane:

Crane, Andrew (2013). “Modern Slavery as a Management Practice: Exploring the Conditions and Capabilities for Human Exploitation.” Academy of Management Review 38 (1): 49-69.

Crane, Andrew, Genevieve LeBaron, Jean Allain & Laya Behbahani (2018). “Governance Gaps in Eradicating Forced Labor: From Global to Domestic Supply Chains.” Regulation & Governance doi: 10.111/rego.12162.

Grace Peña Delgado:

Delgado, Grace Peña (2012). “Border Control and Sexual Policing: White Slavery and Prostitution along the US-Mexico Borderlands, 1903–1910.” Western Historical Quarterly 43 (2): 157-178.

Anna Mae Duane:

Duane, Anna Mae (2015). Does Dependence Create Ownership? The Problem of Defining a Child Slave. openDemocracy- Beyond Trafficking and Slavery, Nov 17. Accessed Jun 12, 2017.

Joel Quirk:

Broome, André and Joel Quirk (2015). “Governing the World at a Distance: The Practice of Global Benchmarking.” Review of International Studies 41 (5): 819-841.

Bunting, Annie and Joel Quirk (2017). “Contemporary Slavery as More than Rhetorical Strategy? The Politics and Ideology of a New Political Cause.” In: Contemporary Slavery: Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice, Annie Bunting and Joel Quirk, 5-35. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

JJ Rosenbaum:

Costa, Daniel and Jennifer J. Rosenbaum (2017). Temporary Foreign Workers by the Numbers: New Estimates by Visa Classification. Economic Policy Institute report, March 7:…

Rosenbaum, Jennifer J. (2014). The World Watches the US on Labor Abuse. The Hill, Mar 12. Accessed Jun 12, 2017.

Elena Shih:

Bernstein, Elizabeth and Elena Shih (2014). “The Erotics of Authenticity: Sex Trafficking and ‘Reality Tourism’ in Thailand.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 21 (3): 430-460.

Shih, Elena (2016). “Not in My ‘Backyard Abolitionism’: Vigilante Rescue against American Sex Trafficking.” Sociological Perspectives 59 (1): 66-90.

Zoe Trodd:

Bales, Kevin and Zoe Trodd (2013). “Addressing Contemporary Forms of Slavery in EU External Policy.” Briefing Paper, Directorate-General for External Polices - Policy Department. Brussels, Belgium: European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights.

Trodd, Zoe (2013). “Am I Still Not a Man and a Brother? Protest Memory in Contemporary Antislavery Visual Culture.” Slavery & Abolition 32 (2): 338-352.