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Resources- Tangled Roots


African American History

African-American Links (Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture)

Links to sources for genealogical searches, and to the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. THE DIGITAL SCHOMBURG includes African American Women Writers of the 19th Century, images of African Americans from the 19th Century. ONLINE EXHIBITIONS: Harlem 1900-1940: An African American Community and The Schomburg Legacy: Documenting the Global Black Experience for the 21st Century

African American Pamphlets (Library of Congress American Memory Collection)

This pamphlet collection presents a panoramic and eclectic review of African-American history and culture, spanning almost one hundred years from the early nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries, with the bulk of the material published between 1875 and 1900. Among the authors represented are Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Benjamin W. Arnett, Alexander Crummel, and Emanuel Love.

AFRO-AMERICAN ALMANAC — Historical Documents

This site contains a number of historical documents relating to slavery and segregation from the 18th through the 20th centuries. Site has documents and legislation files and material related to specific historical events. Site also included a bibliography of suggested print texts for further research.

Christine’s Black History Pages: Lynching

This site links to many others that document lynching including: Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859 , African American Holocaust (many lynching pictures), African Americans Lynched 1865 - 1965 , Reflections on the Death of Emmett Till, and stories of other specific lynchings.

Secession Documents

Furman: Secession Era Editorials Project

Project to make available editorials written about four events leading to the Civil War.Nebraska, Dred Scott, Harper’s Ferry, and the attack on Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner by South Carolina representative Preston Brooks. Three were chosen for their universal prominence in historical writing. The fourth ( Sumner attack) for its effect on political issues. When complete the project will have at least one complete run of editorials from each major political party in each state of the Union.

Hartford Black History Project

A virtual exhibit of the history of Hartford’s African-American community from 1638 to the present. It is based on exhibits that were mounted at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, Connecticut Historical Society, and the Pavilion in downtown Hartford, but differs from them to some extent in both theme and content.

Jim Crow

Jim Crow Museum at Ferris State University

A 4,000-piece collection of racist artifacts, this site is provided to help students understand the historical role of racism in our culture. The museum is dedicated to documenting the origins of Jim Crow, the laws, and stereotyped caricatures. Museum site also has a list of related links.

Dred Scott

Dred Scott | Washington University in St. Louis

The eighty-five documents presented in the Dred Scott collection are legal papers, including suits and appeals filed and judicial rulings. Site documents were arranged and described by the Missouri State Archives.

African American History

African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship

This Special Presentation of the Library of Congress exhibition, The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, showcases the Library’s incomparable African American collections. The presentation is not only a highlight of what is on view in this major black history exhibition, but also a glimpse into the Library’s vast African American collection. Both include a wide array of important and rare books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays, films, and recordings.

American Memory . American Memory Collections Search All Collections

American Memory Collection offers historical holdings from the Library of Congress as part of the National Digital Library. Resources include primary source and archival materials relating to American culture and history. Holdings can be searched by time lines, places and individual subject. One such example is “A duty which the colored people owe to themselves,” a sermon by Charles Boynton, 1867. This example comes from African American Perspectives, 1818-1907. Another is a broadside calling New Yorkers to a July 4th celebration of Tammany Society, or Columbian Order. Founded in 1789. Tammany Hall, New York, June 15, 1870. American Memory Collections Jackie Robinson and Other Baseball Highlights (1860-1960) Baseball, the Color Line, and Jackie Robinson, 1860s-1960s

A time line in five sections and thirty odd items manuscripts, books, photographs, and ephemera—from many parts of the Library.

Gilder Lehrman Center

The Gilder Lehrman Center promotes the study and love of American history through seminars, publications, lectures by historians and electronic media projects for scholars and the public. Online resources include Scholars Forum, Source documents, and related links. The center offers multiple sources for the study of slavery and related issues. Specific areas of study include the Underground Railroad, Amistad, and World History of Slavery.

African American Roots

AfriGeneas ~ African American & African Ancestored Genealogy

AfriGeneas is a site devoted to African American genealogy, to researching African Ancestry in the Americas in particular and to genealogical research and resources in general. Included are sources for African American cemeteries, inward slave manifests and deedbooks and census material from the nineteenth century.

Irish American History

IHA Links

Research Where the Irish Settled: IHA Online, web site of THE IRISH At Home and Abroad, offers a wide range of sources for learning more about Irish history and ancestry. Site includes genealogy links by surname and location, and links to emigration history, ships’ passenger lists and related information. Contact information for repositories of records in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Irish in America (WBGH, PBS)

The Irish in America: Long Journey Home. This online supplement to the PBS series provides excellent archival images, brings to life the complex and painful experience of the Potato Famine, and presents detailed case studies on immigration, ethnic relations, and American politics and culture. Also included are thought and discussion questions for use in high school classrooms, related to particular segments or to complete parts of the series.

Immigrants to Canada in Nineteenth Century — Ships — Emigration Reports — Emigration Handbooks

The information on these pages includes emigration and voyage accounts, reports from various years of emigration, lists of ships sailing to Canada, information on the ports, and on the people. First person accounts of a coffin ship voyage, government reports on the illness and death of many immigrants and the disposition of orphans and widows.

Irish Affairs

The Peel Web — Irish Affairs

Robert Peel was a member of the British Parliament and British Prime Minister during the first half of the 19th century. This site provides links to a number of the political and economic events in the relationship between England and Ireland during that period of time including The Act of Union, Daniel O’Connell, Catholic Emancipation, the condition of the Irish people, the Corn Laws and the Famine.

Irish Records

The National Archives of Ireland homepage

The National Archives was established on 1 June 1988. It is an amalgamation of the Public Record Office of Ireland, founded in 1867 and the State Paper Office, founded in 1702. National Archives on-line databases include Relief Commission Papers 1845-1847, business and Ordnance Survey, parishes index, Ireland-Australia transportation index 1791-1868 and the National School Roll books and Registers.

Irish Roots

Irish Ancestors

Irish Ancestors provides primary source material for tracing Irish heritage. Material on site is limited to information of direct relevance to a researcher. Sources include passenger and immigrant lists. Emigrant sources include references to North America from several time periods and specific locations.

Penal Laws in Ireland

The primary contents of this site are detailed summaries of each of the Penal Laws. The summaries consist largely of extracts from the actual language of the statutes, simplified to clarify the meaning. From the chronological collection, access may be had to the corresponding full text of each statute. The full texts were scanned and digitized under the supervision of Katherine Hedin, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections at the Law Library of the University of Minnesota.

Irish Famine Curriculum Guides

The Great Irish Famine

Approved by the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education on September 10th, 1996, for inclusion in the Holocaust and Genocide Curriculum at the secondary level. II. RACISM: This section provides numerous examples and cartoon illustrations showing how the Irish, as well as Africans and others, were made into racist stereotypes.

The Great Famine in Ireland

Resource guide for the Great Famine in Ireland developed by the Connecticut State Board of Education to assist and encourage local and regional boards in the development of instructional materials. Intended to be used to integrate the story of the Great Hunger to teach about tragic events and as a haunting example of one group dominating another.

General References

Historical and Legal Documents

Quakers and the Political Process — Links: Quakers and the Political Process

Quakers & the Political Process: Living our Faith into Action. Web pages for an exhibit by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting presents 350 years of faith and witness in and out of government. Links to other Quaker history sites, including information about anti-slavery committee.

New Deal Network: A Guide to the Great Depression of the 1930s

The New Deal Network’s Document Library has a large and eclectic selection of material that is a guide to the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The New Deal Network has organized its primary resources into two broad categories, a photo gallery and a document library. Included are selections from the WPA American Slave Narratives, documents about the government, the nation and popular culture.

Nineteenth Century Political Cartoons (

Online access to some of the content and pages of a nineteenth century illustrated newspaper. Site includes Nast political cartoons and commentary that document political and social issues. Excerpts from the Civil War Era (1857-1865), Reconstruction I (1866-1871), Reconstruction II (1872-1877) and Immigrant and Ethnic America, and Black America: 1857 - 1874.

Human Rights Organizations

Irish National Caucus

The Caucus encourages United States support for justice and peace in Ireland through non-violent means. Essays and articles on site discuss parallels between the Civil Rights movements in both countries. See, especially,Dangers in Peace-Process in Belfast and Washington.


Irish organization that seeks to help those in need in developing countries and to increase the Irish people’s awareness of their duty toward them. See, especially, Winning the fight against Slavery.