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Second Letter For Neptune

Trasncription: Mount Ellison 10th of 5th Mo. 1796

Esteemed Friend,

On receipt of thine of the 1st of last mo. I made it my business to know whether the black man mentioned in it was to have his freedom without further trouble or not, was informed by the widow that the man she bought him of was goan (sic) to York on that business and at his return they would determine what to do, he is now returned and says that the man is a Slave. The story he tells to make it out is, that Henry White gave him to one of his sons before his estate was confiscated and that son Inpowered his brother young Henry to Sell him.

If it should be in thy power to find ho that matter is, so as to write me by this conveyance I should be glad as the poor man’s countenance is much changed on the above nuse (sic). I gave him as my opinion that if he was free by law he would be assisted to recover it and told him if he lived in freedom so as to retain the character he now bears it would doo (sic) a conciderable (sic) towards compensating those that assisted him for their trouble.

With respect thy friend,
William Cock
The above said Negro was the Property of the late Henry White of this city Whos (sic) Estate was Confiscated and I am Well informed that the Widow White sold him and I think it a clear case. Willet Seaman 5 Mo. 20th 1796

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