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Killed and Wounded

Citation Information:“Killed and Wounded,” Pennsylvania Freeman, n. 14. 18 July, 1844.


JULY 18, 1844

The number killed and wounded in the late affray, are fifteen of the former and about fifty of the latter. The rioters were the principal sufferers, four-fifths of the killed and wounded being of their party.

Further Arrests

Arrest of one of the Committee.—on the oath of Mr. Hugh Cassiday, head police officer of Southwark, Mr. John W. Smith, whose name is the first attached to the report of the committee that searched the Church, was yesterday arrested, and taken before Judge Jones.

It is in evidence against the prisoner that he was one of the men who brought the cannon before the Church at the time Mr. Naylor was confined therein; that he stood near the breech of the gun; and when it was about to be removed, insisted upon its being discharged.

As was committed to prison in default of bail to the amount of !2,5000, being the sum asked on the charges of high treason, murder and riot.

A man named George Merrick, was arrested yesterday, charged with riot, and inciting to riot, on the occasion of the burning of Saint Augustine’s Church. He was held to answer in the sum of $2000.

A man named Hugh Develin, was on Monday evening committed by Alderman Boilieu on a charge of being one of the participants in the Kensington riots.

There were other arrests than those reported; but we judge it improper to mention names until hearings shall have taken place.—U.S. Gazette.