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Note, June 12, 1806

House of Commons

Citation Information:United Kingdom. House of Commons. “Note, June 12, 1806,” The Journal of the House of Commons. vol. 61 (1806). June 12, 1806.

Ordered, That the Order of the day, for the third reading of the ingrossed Bill to prohibit any Ships to clear out from any Port of Great Britain for the Coast of Africa, for the purpose of taking on board Negroes, unless such Ships shall have been previously employed in the African Trade, or contracted for, for that purpose, previous to that time, be now read:—And the same being read; the said Bill was read the third time.

Resolved, That the Bill do pass: And that the Title be An Act to prohibit, for two years after the conclusion of the present Session of Parliament, any Ships to clear out from any Port of Great Britain for the Coast of Africa, for the purpose of taking on board Negroes, unless such Ships shall have been previously employed in the African Trade, or contracted for, for that purpose.

Ordered, That Mr. Smith of Norwich do carry the Bill to the Lords, and desire their concurrence.