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A Proclamation- Dublin Journal

Citation Information:“A Proclamation,” Dublin Journal, June 2, 1798




WHEREAS a Traitorous Conspiracy existing within this Kingdom, for the Subversion of the Authority of His Majesty and the Parliament, and for the Destruction of the established Constitution and Government, hath considerably extended itself and hath broken out into Acts of open Violence and Rebellion.

We have therefore, by and with the Advice of His Majesty’s Privy Council, issued the most direct and positive Orders to the Officers commanding His Majesty’s Forces, to employ them with the utmost Vigour and Decision, for the immediate Suppression thereof, and also to recover the Arms which have been traitorously forced form His majesty’s peaceable and loyal Subjects, and to disarm the Rebels, and all Persons disaffected to His majesty’s Government, by the summary and effectual Measures.

And We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all His majesty’s peaceable and loyal Subjects, on their Allegiance, to aid and assist to the utmost of their Power, His Majesty’s Forces in the execution of their Duty, to whom we have given it strictly in Command to afford full Protection to them, from all Acts of Violence which shall be attempted against their Persons or Properties.

Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin, The 30th day of March, 1798

Clare, C. Char. Cashel. W. Tuam. Drogheda. Ormonde and Ossory. Shannon. Altamont. Clonmeil. Ely. Dillon. Pery. Gosford. O’Neil. H. Meath. Castlereagh. Glentworth. Callan. Rossmore. Tyrawly. John Foster. J. Parnell. H. Cavendish. J. Blaquiere. H. Langrithe. Theo. Jones. Jos. Cooper. D. Latouche. James Fitzgerald. R. Ross. Isaac Corry. Lodge Morres.

God save the King.

The Dublin Journal, June 2, 1798