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Rickey Puts Down Anti-Robinson Move

Richmond Afro American and the Richmond Planet

Citation Information:“Rickey Puts Down Anti-Robinson Move,” Richmond Afro American and the Richmond Planet, April 5, 1947, 63rd Year, N. 20, Page 16.


Players’ Petition Reported Stopped


Dodger Boss Tells Men They Won’t Dictate Club Membership

HAVANA—-A reported move among the Brooklyn baseball players to prevent Jackie Robinson from being elevated to a post with the Dodgers has been stopped by President Branch Rickey, the AFRO learned this week.

Unimpeachable sources say that a player petition was prepared while the Dodgers and Montreal Royals were in Panama, and its demands primarily concerned the status of Jackie. It reputedly urged the Brooklyn officials to drop plans to bring Robinson up to the parent club.

The Dodger boss is said to have learned about the move before all signatures had been obtained. He called in the ring leaders and informed them in no uncertain terms that he would take care of picking the Brooklyn players. Rickey told them if they expected to stay up with the Dodgers, concentrate on their own efforts and not try to pick the personnel of the club.

Nothing further was heard of the petition.