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Poulami Roychowdhury - Encountering Rape: How Police Killings Affirm State Authority

Fall Political Violence and Its Legacies Workshops
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Blair Room in Pierson College

The MacMillan Political Violence and its Legacies (PVL) workshop is an interdisciplinary forum for work in progress by Yale faculty and graduate students, as well as scholars from other universities.

PVL is designed to foster a wide-ranging conversation at Yale and beyond about political violence and its effects that transcends narrow disciplinary and methodological divisions. The workshop’s interdisciplinary nature attracts faculty and graduate students from Anthropology, African-American Studies, American Studies, History, Sociology, and Political Science, among others.

There are no formal presentations. Papers are distributed one week prior to the workshop and are read in advance by attendees. A discussant will introduce the manuscript and raise questions for the subsequent discussion period.

To help facilitate a lively and productive discussion, we ban laptops and cellphones for the workshop’s duration.

Papers can be accessed by visiting this link (Yale University affiliates only). Papers are also distributed via the workshop mailing list in advance of the workshop.



Poulami Roychowdhury