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Ali Usman Qasmi - Qaum, Mulk, Sultanat: Citizenship and National Belonging in Pakistan

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Henry R. Luce Hall
34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT, 06511
Room 203

After the trauma of mass violence and massive population movements around the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, both new nation states faced the enormous challenge of creating new national narratives, symbols, and histories, as well as a new framework for their political life. While leadership in India claimed the anti-colonial movement, Gandhi, and a civilizational legacy in the subcontinent, the new political elite in Pakistan were faced with a more complex task: to carve out a separate and distinct Muslim history and political tradition from a millennium long history of cultural and religious interaction, mixing, and coexistence.

Drawing on a rich archive of diverse sources, Ali Qasmi traces the complex development of ideas of citizenship and national belonging in the postcolonial Muslim state, offering a nuanced and sweeping history of the country's formative period. Qasmi paints a rich picture of the long, arduous, and often conflict-ridden process of writing a democratic constitution of Pakistan, while simultaneously narrating the invention of a range of new rituals of state—such as the exact color of the flag, the precise date of birth of the national poet of Pakistan, and the observation of Eid as a "national festival"—providing an illuminating analysis of the practices of being Pakistani, and a new portrait of Muslim history in the subcontinent.

Buhay Khulay Rakhi is produced by Dr. Ali Usman Qasmi and Dr. Ilyas Ahmad Chattha, and directed by Nida Mehboob.


Ali Usman Qasmi
Ali Usman Qasmi

Born and raised in Lahore, Ali Usman Qasmi is a historian of modern South Asia and Islamic reform movements. He has published extensively in his area of expertise, including three monographs and three edited volumes. His most recent monograph is Qaum, Mulk, Sultanat: Citizenship and National Belonging in Pakistan (Stanford University Press, 2023), which won the American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Book Prize for 2024. Since 2012, Qasmi has taught history at LUMS’ School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Currently, Qasmi also serves as the Director of the Gurmani Center for Languages and Literature.

Nida Mehboob
Nida Mehboob

Nida Mehboob is an independent photographer and filmmaker from Lahore, Pakistan. Her photography work has been part of several exhibitions and her short films screened at international film festivals. She has received several fellowships, workshops and residencies over the years including Artist in Resident at the prestigious Academy Of Arts, Berlin.

Her most recent work is a self published photo-book. Apart from doing assignments and commissioned work for Non Profits and media outlets, Mehboob works on her personal long term social documentary projects. She has received her Masters in Documentary Filmmaking at Aalto University, Finland.

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