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Courses with no explicit focus on East Asia may also apply to the major if the final paper in the course is on East Asia.  Permission of the DUS is required before the course can be applied. Please contact the DUS or Registrar if you have any questions.

Postcolonial Japan
EALL 270

This course introduces students to the lasting effects of the Japanese Empire, both on modern Japan and East Asia more broadly. We will cover the emergence of the empire in relation to European colonialism, the effects of pan-Asianism within the empire, and the transition from empire to democracy under American occupation. Specific attention will be paid to cultural artefacts such as literature, film, and media; the ways in which contemporary Japan is shaped by this history in terms of diaspora, migration, and cultural nationalism; and the productive connections between postcolonial East Asia and more established forms of postcolonial criticism.

MW 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Japanese Cinema after 1960
EALL 271, FILM 448

The development of Japanese cinema after the breakdown of the studio system, through the revival of the late 1990s, and to the present.

No knowledge of Japanese required.
MW 11:35 AM - 12:50 PM
Gender and Sexuality in Korean Literature and Film
EALL 274

In this course, students explore how cultural representations of gender and sexuality in Korea and the Korean diaspora have changed over the twentieth century. Primary sources include literary texts, narrative and documentary films, as well as scholarship on themes and historical context relevant to the materials. We begin by exploring how gendered selfhood in Korea was constructed in relation to the colonial modernization process in the first half of the twentieth century. We then move onto stories of how women and men survived the Cold War, developmentalist, and dictatorial regimes of South Korea from 1945 to 87. In the last segment of the course, we focus our attention to voices from the contemporary moment, to examine how present-day Koreans of various gender and sexual identities contend with the challenges of an increasingly neoliberalizing social order. 

All class materials are in English translation, and no previous knowledge of the Korean language is required.
Spring 2025
T 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM
East Asian Martial Arts Film
EALL 280, EAST 260, FILM 307

The martial arts film has not only been a central genre for many East Asian cinemas, it has been the cinematic form that has most defined those cinemas for others. Domestically, martial arts films have served to promote the nation, while on the international arena, they have been one of the primary conduits of transnational cinematic interaction, as kung-fu or samurai films have influenced films inside and outside East Asia, from The Matrix to Kill Bill. Martial arts cinema has become a crucial means for thinking through such issues as nation, ethnicity, history, East vs. West, the body, gender, sexuality, stardom, industry, spirituality, philosophy, and mediality, from modernity to postmodernity. It is thus not surprising that martial arts films have also attracted some of the world’s best filmmakers, ranging from Kurosawa Akira to Wong Kar Wai. This course focuses on films from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea—as well as on works from other countries influenced by them—covering such martial arts genres such as the samurai film, kung-fu, karate, wuxia, and related historical epics. It provides a historical survey of each nation and genre, while connecting them to other genres, countries, and media.

Fall 2024
MW 11:35 AM - 12:50 PM
Screenings T 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Socialist '80s: Aesthetics of Reform in China and the Soviet Union
EALL 288, EAST 316, LITR 303, RUSS 316, RSEE 316

This course offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of the complex cultural and political paradigms of late socialism from a transnational perspective by focusing on the literature, cinema, and popular culture of the Soviet Union and China in 1980s. How were intellectual and everyday life in the Soviet Union and China distinct from and similar to that of the West of the same era? How do we parse “the cultural logic of late socialism?” What can today’s America learn from it? Examining two major socialist cultures together in a global context, this course queries the ethnographic, ideological, and socio-economic constituents of late socialism. Students analyze cultural materials in the context of Soviet and Chinese history. Along the way, we explore themes of identity, nationalism, globalization, capitalism, and the Cold War.

Students with knowledge of Russian and Chinese are encouraged to read in original languages. All readings are available in English.
Fall 2024
Th 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Sinological Methods
EALL 300, EAST 340

A research course in Chinese studies, designed for students with background in modern and literary Chinese. Explore and evaluate the wealth of primary sources and research tools available in China and in the West. For native speakers of Chinese, introduction to the secondary literature in English and instruction in writing professionally in English on topics about China. Topics include Chinese bibliographies; bibliophiles’ notes; specialized dictionaries; maps and geographical gazetteers; textual editions, variations and reliability of texts; genealogies and biographical sources; archaeological and visual materials; and major Chinese encyclopedias, compendia, and databases.

Prerequisite: CHNS 171 or equivalent.
F 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Ancient and Medieval Chinese Poetry
EALL 301

Readings in ancient and middle-period Chinese poetry, from the beginnings of the tradition through the Song dynasty. 

Prerequisite: one year of classical/literary Chinese or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
Fall 2024
Th 9:25 AM - 11:15 AM
Readings in Classical Chinese Prose
EALL 302, EAST 341

Close reading of classical Chinese texts (wenyan) primarily from late Imperial China. A selection of formal and informal prose, including memoirs, sanwen essays, classical tales, biographies, and autobiographies. Focus on cultural and historical contexts, with attention to reception in China and in some cases in Korea and Japan. Questions concerning readership and governmental censorship, function of literature, history and fictionality, memory and writing, and the aesthetics of qing (emotion).

Readings in Chinese; discussion in English. Prerequisite: CHNS 171 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Permission of instructor required.
M 9:25 AM - 11:15 AM
The Vernacular Short Story in Early Modern China
EALL 319

Introduction to the literary genre huaben, or the vernacular short story. Seventeenth century texts, written in a version of spoken Chinese, provide an unparalleled view of life in early modern China. Discussions of book culture, commercial publication, and the social role of the vernacular.

Prerequisite: ability to read modern Chinese (L5).
Th 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese Literature
EALL 351

An introduction to literary criticism and history using texts in the original language. Fiction and nonfiction written in Chinese in different parts of the world, with a focus on the period from the nineteenth century to the present. Readings in Chinese; texts in both simplified and traditional characters.

After CHNS 163, 164, 165, or equivalent. Instructor permission required.
Fall 2024
T 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Studies in Korean Popular Culture
EALL 353

This advanced undergraduate seminar examines the dissemination, visibility, and prominence of Korean popular culture within and outside its national borders. We spend time exploring a wide variety of cultural forms such as music, film, television, fashion, performance, and new media from the early twentieth century to the present-day moment, focusing our attention on the following questions: How did Korean cultural values and historical experiences shape the content, style, and aesthetics of contemporary Korean popular culture? What is the ideological, economic, and socio-political function of popular culture in South Korea today? What makes Korean popular culture attractive to a global audience who are not necessarily familiar with the Korean language and culture? In answering these questions, we examine Korean popular culture against major historical events that took place in Korea over the twentieth century such as Japanese occupation and the Korean War, as well as the military dictatorships, democratization, and neoliberalization of South Korea. On top of conventional research writing assignments, students are also expected to produce creative essays reflecting on their own relationship with Korean popular culture and present them in class. 

Students are not expected to be deeply familiar with Korean history, but some level of familiarity with Korean culture and language is helpful.
M 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM
The Tale of Genji
EALL 503

A reading of the central work of prose fiction in the Japanese classical tradition in its entirety (in English translation) along with some examples of predecessors, parodies, and adaptations (the latter include Noh plays and twentieth-century short stories). Topics of discussion include narrative form, poetics, gendered authorship and readership, and the processes and premises that have given The Tale of Genji its place in world literature. Attention is also given to the text’s special relationship to visual culture.

No knowledge of Japanese required. A previous college-level course in the study of literary texts is recommended but not required.
Fall 2024
MW 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

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