Kobanashi Online Workshop for Teachers
—How to Instruct Students in Kobanashi Performance—
Yale University’s Japanese Language Program is pleased to welcome Professor Hatasa Kazumi (Purdue University) to present a workshop on instructing learners in oral performance activities using kobanashi.
The goal of this workshop is for participants to experience practicing, performing, and receiving feedback of their own kobanashi, and therefore discover elements in their performance that can be practically applied towards language instruction of their own students. We especially welcome those who want to incorporate “kobanashi” into their class and/or curriculum. This workshop will be conducted in Japanese.
What is kobanashi(小噺)?
Kobanashi is a Japanese traditional verbal art (short jokes) designed to warm up the audience ahead of rakugo performances. Similar to rakugo, kobanashi crafts brief and amusing stories with punchlines, evoking the spirit of “dad jokes” through concise comedic anecdotes.
Time and Date |
Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time |
Location and Access |
Zoom After application receipt, access information will be sent to the email used to register. |
Fee |
None |
Target Audience |
Japanese language teachers affiliated with North American educational institutions. Others motivated to incorporate “kobanashi” performance instruction into their Japanese language activities |
Requirements |
Participants that acknowledge the content in “Kobanashi Project for Everyone”, and those who are able to proactively engage with requirements 1-3 below. (After your application is received, details of the topics will be sent by email. The requirements will take between 2 and 2 ½ hours to complete.)
Participant Limit |
15 people (first come first serve; after reaching 15, registration will be closed.) |
Application |
Registration is closed. Prior to this workshop, we will welcome any questions you may have. |
Registration deadline |
Friday, April 5, 2024 |
Instructor |
Professor Kazumi Hatasa, Languages and Literatures Department, Purdue University, Indiana |
Aside from the above, we will also accept those who do not complete the requirements above and prefer to observe the workshop. Those who would like to just observe, please choose “I will participate without completing the requirements.”
Guest Speaker: Hatasa Kazumi. Graduated from Waseda University, Commercial Science Department. PhD received from Illinois University, in Educational Psychology in 1989. Beginning in 1983, worked in Japanese language education at Illinois University, Purdue University, Monash University, Middlebury University Japanese Language School, among others. From 2005 to 2018, served as headteacher at Middlebury University Japanese language school. Hatasa’s area of expertise is Japanese language education and utilizing technology in foreign language education. In 2020, received an award of official commendation from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Spent several years grappling with the implementation of Japanese classics and traditional arts, like Rakugo and Kobanashi in Japanese language education; made public and shared widely the resources and knowledge produced from those experiences.
Major Publications:
- Meshiagare (Kuroshio Publishing, 2021)
- Nakama 1, Nakama 2 (co-editor with Yukiko Hatasa & Seiichi Makino, Cengage Learning /2014/2018)
- IT Literacy for Japanese Teachers (Kuroshio Publishing, 2002)
- The Second Language Learning Research and Language Education (co-editor with Yukiko Hatasa, Masakazu Kudara, & Takafumi Shimizu, Kuroshio Publishing, 2012)
Kobanashi Project for Japanese Language Learners: https://one-taste.org/kobanashi/
Using Traditional Arts as a Topic in Online Education Activities – Examples of Implementing Rakugo and Kamikiri: https://www.nkg.or.jp/musubu/contents/kaigai/20200801_2178704.html
Message from the Guest Speaker: “This workshop aims to spark your interest in facilitating student performances of kobanashi, with the hope that more teachers will be inclined to incorporate kobanashi performance into their classes. Even Japanese teachers unfamiliar with rakugo clubs or performance can effectively guide learners in kobanashi by emphasizing these 3 key points: eye contact, voice volume, and pronunciation. By integrating elements like gesture, acting, and creativity, we can create captivating pieces that meet the expectations of both instructors and performers. We would like participants to perform kobanashi in this workshop, to actually experience a sense of improvement through instructor feedback, and to gain confidence as instructors. Finally, we hope that you will find general elements of Japanese language learning by performing kobanashi.
日時 |
2024年5月11日(土) 午後7:00―午後9:30(米国時間EST) (日本時間 5月12日(日)午前8:00-10:30) Time zone converter |
実施形態 |
Zoom 使用。お申込み受付後、ご登録いただいたメールアドレスにアクセス情報をお送りします。 |
参加費 |
無料 |
対象 |
米国教育機関に所属する日本語教師で、意欲的に小噺のパフォーマンス指導を日本語教育に取り入れたいと思っている方。 |
参加条件 |
「みんなの小噺プロジェクト」の内容にご賛同いただける方で、以下 1) ~3)の課題に積極的に取り組むことができる方。(課題の詳細についてはお申し込み受付後にお送りします。2時間〜2時間半以内でできる課題です。)
定員 |
15名(先着順。定員になり次第締め切ります。) |
お申し込み |
登録が閉まります。ご質問もご記入いただけます。 |
申込締切日 |
2024年4月5日(金) |
講師 |
畑佐一味教授(インディアナ州立パデュー大学言語文化学科教授) |
講師紹介:畑佐一味。早稲田大学商学部卒業。1989年イリノイ大学博士(教育心理学)取得。1983年より日本語教育に従事し、イリノイ大学、パデュー大学、モナシュ大学、ミドルベリー大学日本語学校等で教鞭をとる。2005年から2018年までミドルベリー大学日本語学校の校長を務める。専門は日本語教育と外国語教育でのテクノロジー利用。2020年令和2年度外務大臣表彰を受賞。日本の古典芸能である落語や小噺を日本語教育に取り入れる取り組みを長年行っており、その実践から生まれた知見とリソースを広く発信し、公開している。著書に『めしあがれ』(くろしお出版/2021)、『なかま1』『なかま2』(畑佐由紀子・牧野成一と共著/Cengage Learning/2014/2018)、『日本語教師のためのITリテラシー』(くろしお出版/2002)、『第二言語習得研究と言語教育』(畑佐由紀子・百済正和・清水崇文と共編著)/くろしお出版/2012)など多数。
「みんなの小噺プロジェクト」ホームページ: https://one-taste.org/kobanashi/
「伝統芸能を題材にしたオンラインでの教育活動-落語と紙切りを用いた実践事例」: https://www.nkg.or.jp/musubu/contents/kaigai/20200801_2178704.html
Organized by the Japanese Language Program, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Yale University.
Sponsored by The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University
For more information, please contact Hiroyo Nishimura (hiroyo.nishimura@yale.edu).