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Author Index

Adams, Henry
Adams, John Quincy
American Anti-Slavery Committee
American Anti-Slavery Society
Annotated Mississippi Code
Barker, Joseph
Berkley, George
Boston Evening Transcript
Boston Globe
Catholic World. A Monthly Magazine
Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Defender
Christian Science Monitor
Clay, Cassius M.
Code of Alabama
Colored American, The
Congressional Record
Crisis, The
Darusmont, Frances Wright
Dickson, William
Dooley, Brian
Douglass, Frederick
Dublin Journal
DuBois, W.E.B.
Fitzhugh, George
Fletcher, John
Forsyth, John
Fraser’s Magazine
Furman, Richard
Garrison, William Lloyd
Horsmanden, Daniel
Hotten, John Camden
Irish House of Commons
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, John H.
Keeling, Violet
King, Rufus
Lincoln, Abraham
Locke, Alain
Louisiana Negro Convention
Louisiana Standard
Magoon, E.L.
Maryland Land Office
Mill, John Stuart
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Nast, Thomas
National Conference of Colored Men of the United States
New York Herald
New York Journal of Commerce
New York Morning Herald
New York Times
Newtown, Connecticut
O’Connell, Daniel
O’Doherty, Cahir
Parker, Daniel
Parkhurst, John L.
Parnell, Sir Henry
Saint Patrick
Pennsylvania Freeman
Philadelphia Tribune
Pinckard, George
Plunkitt, George Washington
Poyer, John
Pressley, Sue Ann
Public Ledger
Records of the Virginia Company
Richmond Afro American and the Richmond Planet
Rogers, W. A.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Salem Quarterly Court
Scotch-Irish Society of America
Sharp, Granville
Sheahan, Dennis Harvey
Smith, Albert Alex
Supreme Court of Judicature, New York City
Tappan, Lewis, et al.
The True American’s Almanac
Thome, James A.
Times Picayune
Tribune, The (N.Y.)
Truman, Harry S
U.S. Bureau of the Census
U.S. Supreme Court
United Kingdom. House of Commons
United Kingdom. Parliament
Von Holst, Dr. H. and John J. Lalor
Wallis, Selina
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Wayland, Francis
West, Francis A.
White, Walter
Work, J. W.
Work, Monroe, N., ed.