Survey of Former Students' Study or Discontinuation of Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Languages
Yale University
Consent for Participation in a Research Study
Protocol Title: | Northeast Language Student Retention in Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies Programs |
Principal Investigator: |
Ian MacMillen 469 College Street |
We are conducting a research study about experiences and uses of language study among people who took courses in or may have had interest in Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies-type programs in the U.S. over the past 20 years. The following survey should take about ten minutes to complete.
Participation is voluntary. If you would prefer not to participate, do not complete the survey. There is no penalty if you choose not to join the research study, nor will you lose any benefits you may be entitled to. If you agree to participate, please complete the survey on the following pages of this form. You should ask the study team any questions you have related to participating before agreeing to join the study by emailing them to
Your responses are anonymous; do not put your name, the name of your college/university, or other identifying information on this survey. The survey will not collect your IP address and we do not expect anyone to be able to connect your responses to you or to your undergraduate institution, though it is not possible to guarantee absolutely the anonymity of data transmitted online. We ask that you try to answer all questions. However, if there are any questions that you would prefer to skip, simply leave the answer blank. You may at any point discontinue participation in the survey by skipping to the end and submitting without filling out additional questions, and you may also choose not to submit the survey and any information that you have entered.
Data collected in this study may be stored and shared for future research in a de-identified fashion. It would not be possible for future researchers to identify you. This can be done without again seeking your consent in the future, as permitted by law.
You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this survey. If you are not at least 18 years old, please inform the researcher and do not complete the survey.
Please download and keep a copy of this sheet for your reference.
To begin the survey, please click here.