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REEES Reading Group

photo group

The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Reading Group usually meets once monthly during the term. The group meets to discuss works in progress in history and other fields, usually dissertation chapters or drafts of articles. Members are graduate students and faculty in the Departments of History, Slavic Languages and Literature, Comparative Literature, Anthropology and Political Science. Meeting invitations are sent via e-mail and RSVPs are required.

CONTACT: If you would like to join the mailing list or express interest in presenting, please e-mail:

Upcoming Events

European Studies Council
Peter Rutland

Past Events

European Studies Council
Fossils, Climate, and Empire in Geotheory
Anna Graber
European Studies Council
the Remarkable Correspondence between American and Soviet Women
Alexis Peri
European Studies Council
Mining and Matter in Russian Imperial and Soviet Culture
Molly Brunson
European Studies Council
Elite Criminal Trials in the Age of Reform, 1866-1884
Head shot of Sergei Antonov
European Studies Council
Economic Citizenship and the Economy of Waste in the Post-WWII Soviet Union
European Studies Council
A Century of Russia’s Evasion of the US Sanctions
Maksimas Milta
European Studies Council
Antifascism and the Czechoslovak Avant-Garde
Barbora Bartunkova
Sergei Antonov


The REEES Reading Group is directed by Sergei Antonov, Assistant Professor of History

Graduate Student Coordinator:

Nazerke Mukhlissova, PhD student in History