Journalism Award Winners

Winner:  Spencer Lee-Lenfield
Year: 2023
Title: Mysterious Displays of Will: Nadine Hwang—a queer Chinese lawyer who joined the army, circulated in Paris salons, and survived Ravensbrück—never wrote a memoir, but her life itself became a work of art

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Winner: Ellen Nye
Year: 2021
Title: The World in a Dish: The Thanksgiving turkey is a beast of no nation

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Winner: Arya Sundaram
Year: 2020
Title: ‘Scared for my life’: why more Indians are joining migrants on risky journey to reach the U.S.

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Winner: Peter Rothpletz

Year: 2019

Title: Killing Children: Reflections on Sierra Leone’s Civil War

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Winner: Lillian Moore-Eissenberg
Year: 2018
Title: “Hidden Neighbors: For trafficked domestic workers, exploitation can be a family affair

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Winner: Qiyang Niu
Year: 2017
Title: “Can Russia Save Northeast China’s Economy

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Winner: Nick Frisch
Year: 2016
Title: “How China lost Taiwan”

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Winner: Anthony Kayruz
Year: 2015
Title: “A Slice of the Good Life:” The Dilley detention center promises
Central American asylum-seekers humanitarian housing but some may be
receiving more abuse

Winner: William Schreiber
Year: 2014
Winner: Gabriel Zucker
Year: 2011
Winner: Emma Sokoloff-Rubin
Year: 2009
Title: When Culture Trumps Law
Winner: Katharine Kendrick
Year: 2007
Title: Activism 2.0
Winner: Michael J. Kavanagh
Year: 2006
Winner: Zvika Krieger
Year: 2006
Winner: Sara Schlemm
Year: 2005
Winner: Haninah Levine
Year: 2004
Winner: Linda Shi
Year: 2003
Title: China’s Muslim Province: Conflict and Resentment in Xinjiang