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Undergraduate Student Grants & Fellowships

All applicants must apply through the Yale Student Grants & Fellowships database.

Download a Comprehensive list of Fellowships

Info Sessions:

  • Tuesday, November 28 , 4.00-5.00 pm, Luce 101
  • Wednesday, January 24, 4.00-5.00 pm, Luce 101

Awards will be announced after April 15th.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All undergraduate students must adhere to the Yale University International Travel Policy. For more information go to

The Albert Bildner Travel Prize. Open to Junior undergraduate students only, the Bildner Prize supports travel to Latin America or the Caribbean for summer research related to the senior essay. The Council grants one Bildner prize per year in the range of $600-$900. View past recipients.

Bildner candidates must submit the project proposal in both English and Spanish or Portuguese.

Stephen Clark Senior Essay Travel Grant supports research travel related to the undergraduate senior essay. The research can be done during the summer after the Junior year. All students are eligible to apply; however, preference will be given to projects related to Latin America.

Dreyfus Fellowships are for Yale graduate and undergraduate students who are children and grandchildren of U.S. Foreign Service Officers. Preference is given to students whose studies focus on international affairs. Fellowships are provided by an endowment created from a bequest of the late Ambassador Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr. that is administered directly by the Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired (DACOR) - Bacon House Foundation. The MacMillan Center serves as an on-campus liaison. Awards range from $5,000 to $10,000. 

There is no restriction as to field of study, but for graduate and professional school applicants, if there are many applicants, preference will be given to students in a field related to foreign affairs and for study toward a master’s degree. 

Visit for application and information.

For more information call Sherry Barndollar Rock of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation at (202) 682-0500 x.17; (800) 344-9127 or e-mail

The European Union Studies Program invites applications for the European Union Studies Summer Grants from graduate and undergraduate students whose work or research involves the European Union or some aspect of European integration. Grants are available to undergraduates who wish to conduct research or work in an internship related to the EU during the summer before the junior or senior year. View past recipients.

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Higher Education Act, Title VI. Fellowships are available to graduate and professional school students whose academic work includes foreign language study and whose career plans include teaching, public service or business related to African Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies or Middle East Studies. The eligible languages for each competition are announced on the application. FLAS fellowships are available for the summer and for the academic year. 

Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. are eligible to apply. 

Academic year fellowships are for beginner through advanced language study at Yale. Academic year fellowships support $18,000 tuition and provide a $15,000 stipend. 

Availability of fellowships for the 2018-2019 academic year are pending successful application by the Councils to continue FLAS for the next four year cycle. 

Summer fellowships are awarded for intensive language study with an approved program either domestically or internationally.

All students must apply through the Student Grants and Fellowships database.

Non Yale students can apply for summer only. 

FLAS Academic Year 2018-2019 Description

Summer 2018 Description

View past recipients.

The Fox International Fellowship Program supports research exchanges between Yale and the Free University of Berlin, Moscow State University, Sidney Sussex College of Cambridge University, The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Fudan University in Shanghai, PRC, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, El Colegio de Mexico, Jawarhalal Nehru University in Delhi, Bogazici University in Istanbul, Tel Aviv University, University of São Paulo, University of Ghana, Cape Town University, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Australian National University and University of Melbourne, The University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business School, National University of Singapore for graduating seniors, graduate and professional school students conducting independent research on topics related to international relations and global affairs, environmental policy, public health, business and finance, social sciences, economics, political science, law, and contemporary history, with preference for topics of contemporary, applied and/or institutional relevance to enhancing the world’s peace and prosperity. All fellowships provide expenses for airfare and housing, a stipend for living expenses, as well as some in-country travel related to research. Priority is for a full academic year, although single term awards are possible.View alumni.

The Ganzfried Family Travel Fellowship provides support for undergraduate and graduate students on all subjects related to communal and religious tolerance and understanding, security and cooperation, natural and economic resources, environmental, scientific and technological collaboration and development, communication, culture, gender and family in Israel or for academic work elsewhere in the field of Jewish studies. Amounts can vary up to $2,500. View past recipients.

The Charles Kao Fund supports grants to students of Yale College (including graduating seniors), graduate students in M.A. and Ph.D. programs in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and graduate students in the professional schools for summer research in East and Southeast Asia. In general, applications from international students proposing research projects in their country or origin are ineligible. Research should focus on the impact of technology transfer processes between Asia and the West and/or among East and Southeast Asia, and the social, cultural, and political transformations in these regions. Grant requests of up to $5,000 to support field research, summer internships or other creative projects in Asia will be entertained. Priority will be given to students with demonstrated long-term academic commitment to and professional preparation for work in East or Southeast Asia, who have already acquired the necessary level of language proficiency to complete their proposed research work, or who need substantial first-hand exposure to Asia to complete a course of academic study. View past recipients. 

The European Studies Council at the MacMillan Center invites applications for the Keggi-Berzins Fellowships for Baltic Studies. Prizes of up to $2,000 will be awarded to current Yale undergraduates and graduate students for summer research or language study in or about a Baltic country.

Pre-dissertation and dissertation grants are available for PhD candidates who wish either to determine the feasibility of a dissertation topic or conduct research on that topic. Grants are also available to ES and IR Master’s students at the end of their first year of study. Students in the professional schools are also eligible to apply. Grants are available to undergraduates who wish to conduct research or work in an internship related to Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania during the summer before the junior or senior year. View past recipients.

The Latin American and Iberian Studies Travel Grant is open to Junior undergraduates and graduate students who plan to conduct research or study abroad in Latin America, the Caribbean, Portugal or Spain. Not applicable for language training, internships or service projects. Awards are typically $500-$750, and are intended to help defray travel costs only. Because of very limited funding available, applicants are encouraged to seek additional funding or matching grants. View past recipients. 

The Georg Walter Leitner Program in International and Comparative Political Economy invites applications from graduate and undergraduate students at Yale University whose work focuses on international political economy. Funds are available for Ph.D. candidates to prepare for dissertation research and to conduct research on approved dissertation projects. The Leitner Program also supports graduate student training relevant for the study of political economy. Funds are also available for senior essay support for undergraduates whose essays will focus on some aspect of comparative or international political economy, and for travel fellowships for undergraduates at any level to explore some aspect of the field. The latter may be used to support an internship or a research project. Grants are up to $5000. View past recipients.

The European Studies Council at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale invite applications for the Clara Levillain Prize competition. Grants are available to students beginning research on a project with a strong and direct connection with French language or culture. In judging applications of equal merit, the selection committee will give priority to students in the Arts and Humanities. The Prize is made possible through a gift from the Levillain family in memory of their young daughter, Clara Levillain. A written report of the experience will be submitted at the completion of the trip. Recipients may be asked to offer a seminar or presentation of their field project results when they return to the Yale campus. Any publication or public presentations resulting from their projects should acknowledge the support of the “Clara Levillain Prize.” There will be one award of up to $2000 each year.

Henry Hart Rice Foreign Residence Fellowships provide support for Yale students in the humanities and social sciences to conduct individual study and research for 9 to 12 months while in residence in a foreign country that is experiencing strained relations with the United States. At present, eligible are countries of Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe that are not members of the EU, Russia, Latin America, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia as well as the People’s Republic of China. Excluded are most of the traditional friends and allies of the U.S., including Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and countries that are members of the EU. Eligible are undergraduates who have completed at least two years of course work, including graduating seniors; graduate and professional students who have permission from their Director of Graduate Studies to take a year’s leave of absence for this purpose; and graduate students at the conclusion of a terminal master’s program. The fellowship stipend may cover most or all travel and living expenses in the host country; generally one award is made.

The Libby Rouse Fund for Peace. The Middle East Studies Council invites applications to the Libby Rouse Fund for Peace Competition. Undergraduate students whose work focuses on the countries of the Middle East or Central Asia are welcome to apply. Grants range from $2,000 to $5,000 and can be used for summer or longer terms. View past recipients.

Rustgi Fellowships. The South Asian Studies Council offers Rustgi fellowships for summer research grants to students with a demonstrated commitment to the field of South Asian studies.  The fellowship is made possible through a gift from Anil Rustgi (Yale ’80), Vinod Rustgi (Yale ’75) and his wife, Eileen Boyle Rustgi (Yale ’77) in honor of their parents, Moti Lal and Kamla Rustgi. The general purpose of these grants is to increase understanding of the region among Yale students. Although graduate students may apply, preference will be given to undergraduates. View past recipients. 

South Asian Studies Senior Essay Research Grant. For undergraduate students who are doing summer research on South Asian Studies for their senior essays. All students are eligible to apply; however, preference will be given to South Asian Studies majors. The grant may be used for travel or other expenses related to the senior essay. The award shall be made on the basis of applications, supported by recommendations from faculty. The final selections will be made by a committee of representatives from the South Asian Studies Council at the MacMillan Center. View past recipients. 

South Asian Studies Summer Language Study Awards for Undergraduate Students. The South Asian Studies Council is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of awards for qualified undergraduate students for language studies in the U.S. or internationally. The award may be used for tuition and travel. Language study must bear a clear relationship to the applicant’s overall course of study and must clearly relate to the area of concentration of the award. Grants are administered by the South Asian Studies Council at the MacMillan Center.View past recipients. 

South Asian Studies Travel Research Grant for Undergraduate Students. The South Asian Studies Travel Research Grant for Undergraduate students provides summer travel grants for Yale University undergraduate research on and study of South Asian history, society, languages, and culture in the United States and internationally. The competition is open Yale undergraduates in all disciplines. Grants are administered by the South Asian Studies Council at the MacMillan Center. Awards generally range from $2,000 to $2,500 and can be applied to travel, room and board, and other legitimate research expenses. Priority will be given to students with demonstrated academic commitment to South Asia. View past recipients.

Southeast Asia Studies offers a limited number of research-related grants to students with a demonstrated commitment to the field of Southeast Asia studies. Grants support language training, masters thesis summer research, pre-dissertation field research, and small supplements that may be required to bring a research project to fruition. Any graduate or undergraduate student currently enrolled at Yale may apply. Awards up to $3,000. For additional information see View past recipients.

The British Studies Program, part of the European Studies Council of the MacMillan Center, invites applications for the Barbara Taft Summer Grant in British Studies for undergraduate students whose work or research involves some aspect of British or British Imperial History in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

Grants are available to undergraduates who wish to conduct research related to British or British Imperial History during the summer before the junior or senior year. 

Research may be conducted in archives anywhere in the world. There will be one award of up to $2500 each year.

Tristan Perlroth Prizes are awarded to undergraduates for summer travel outside the United States to enhance students’ understanding of foreign culture and/or international relations. Priority is given to students proficient in a foreign language, to students of Calhoun College, and to students enrolled in the International Studies major, however, this Prize is not limited to curriculum - related projects. Awards up to $4,000. See what the past recipients have done. Click here for list of past recipients

Yale – Sanergy Internship: Sustainable Sanitation in Nairobi’s Urban Slums. Sanergy is an award-winning social venture in Nairobi, Kenya that builds healthy, prosperous communities by making hygienic sanitation accessible and affordable in Africa’s urban informal settlements. Our systems-based approach to solving the sanitation crisis involves five key steps: we build a dense network of franchised micro-entrepreneurs, who operate low-cost, high-quality waterless sanitation facilities – called Fresh Life – as small businesses. We provide critical support services – such as access to finance, business analytics, training and aspirational marketing and branding. We collect the waste regularly and safely remove it from the community. We convert the waste into valuable by-products, such as organic fertilizer and animal feed. Finally, we sell the byproducts to Kenyan farms.

The Council on East Asian Studies invites applications for the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership Grant competition. Grants of up to $3,500 will be awarded to current students in Yale College, for travel to Japan intended to enhance the student’s understanding of Japanese politics or diplomacy. The research can be done during the summer or the academic year towards coursework or the senior essay.

The Genocide Studies Program (GSP) announces availability of the Charles E. Scheidt Family Foundation Summer Internship Fellowships for undergraduate students to support an internship experience in the field of genocide and mass atrocity studies. The proposed internships should be with non-governmental or other organizations engaged in activities related to the prevention of genocide and mass atrocities. The internships should be approximately ten weeks in duration.