Baltic Studies Program: Joseph P. Kazickas Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2022-2023
The Yale Baltic Studies Program invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship of variable duration (four to nine months during the 2022-23 academic year) in the following fields: law, economics, business and finance, environmental policy, political science, international relations, and history.
The Fellow will be expected to be in residence in New Haven, to participate in the activities of the Yale Baltic Studies Program, and to make at least one public presentation at Yale during the period of the fellowship. Compensation is competitive, and includes benefits and health coverage.
Restrictions regarding in-person meetings and events at Yale may be in place, contingent upon the course of the COVID pandemic in the United States.
Applicants should have completed their Ph.D. before August 2022 and at the time of application must be working in, or affiliated with, a university or research institute in Lithuania. Preference will be given to scholars from Lithuania.
Application Instructions
The review of applications will begin on 01 February 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Only on-line submissions will be accepted through Interfolio.
Application Materials Required:
- All application materials must be submitted in English
- Cover letter, including proposed duration of the fellowship (between four and nine months), indicating clearly what months of the year and the rationale for the proposed period.
- Curriculum vitae
- Research statement (no more than 1000 words)
- Two reference letters, one from the applicant’s academic supervisor and one from an additional faculty member or appropriate administrator at the university or institute at which the applicant is affiliated. The reference letters should address the applicant’s research and the broader significance of this research for higher education and research in Lithuania. These letters are to be submitted by the reference writers through the Interfolio site.
- Proof of English language proficiency such as TOEFL score, IELTS score, or transcript from a previously-attended institution where the primary language of instruction is English.
For inquiries regarding this fellowship or application process, please contact Bradley Woodworth, Baltic Studies Coordinator, at
To apply, visit: