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Director's Awards

The MacMillan Center Director’s Award was established in 2005. The Awards are for non-tenured ladder Yale faculty who receive certain distinguished individual grants, prizes, or fellowships from external foundations and granting agencies for research on international subjects. International collaborations alone are not sufficient. In addition to recognizing these junior faculty members’ accomplishments, the Director’s Awards are intended to enable them to enhance their future research. Recipients are appointed Research Fellows at the MacMillan Center and receive research funds of $5,000 per year for two years. Junior faculty members who have received one of the following awards are eligible:

Carnegie Scholar

Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship
Wenner-Gren Individual Research Grant
National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship
Bradley Foundation Fellowship
Smith Richardson Junior Faculty Fellowship
Russell Sage Foundation Fellowship
Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Fellowship
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
National Humanities Center Fellowship

Other awards may be eligible.  

Please notify Marilyn Wilkes, Communications Director, The MacMillan Center, if you think you are eligible to receive a Director’s Award.

Previous Director’s Award recipients include:

Julia Stephens, Assistant Professor, History

William Boos, Assistant Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Zareena Grewal, Associate Professor, American Studies and Religious Studies 
Jason Lyall, Associate Professor, Political Science
Vasileios Marinis, Assistant Professor, Divinity School
Nuno Monteiro, Assistant Professor, Political Science

Ashwini Deo, Associate Professsor, Linguistics

Achyuta Adhvaryu, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health
Douglas Rogers, Associate Professor, Anthropology

Ellen Lust, Associate Professor, Political Science
Erik Harms, Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Southeast Asia Studies
William Honeychurch, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Karuna Mantena, Associate Professor, Political Science
Jennifer Ruger, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health

Eilliot Visconsi, Associate Professor, English 
Kishwar Rizvi, Assistant Professor, History of Art 
Jessica Brantley, Associate Professor, English 
Jennifer Ruger, Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health

Dean Karlan, Assistant Professor, Economics

Frank Griffel, Professor, Religious Studies
Kishwar Rizvi, Assistant Professor, History of Art
Jennifer Prah Ruger, Assistant Professor, Public Health, Global Health Division, Yale School of Medicine and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law, Yale Law School

Alison Galvani, Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health 
Matthew Giancarlo, Associate Professor, English 
Dean Karlan, Assistant Professor, Economics 
Francesca Trivellato, Assistant Professor, History 
Elliott Visconsi, Assistant Professor, English

Michael Auslin, Assistant Professor, History
Gretchen Berland, Assistant Professor, Yale Medical School
Oona Hathaway, Associate Professor, Yale Law School
Nicholas Sambanis, Associate Professor, Political Science
David Skelly, Professor, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Ecology/ Evolutionary Biology