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Humans depend on the natural world for food, medicine, energy, clean air, and water, protection from natural disasters, and more. Ecology also figures heavily in culture, religion, and traditions in all regions of the world; yet we are at a pivotal moment in history: habitat loss, movement of invasive species, and climate change have brought us to the brink of a biodiversity crisis that stands to compromise our ability to ensure human well-being and economic prosperity for all. MacMillan’s councils and programs deepen our understanding of ecological themes in literature, language, tradition, and more.

The latest

MacMillan Center

Wilson Oliveira da Silva Filho is the Fulbright Distinguished Award recipient in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Yale University this year. In this interview, he describes his path to Yale and discusses his research.

Wilson Oliveira

Program spotlight

Program in Agrarian Studies

An experimental, interdisciplinary effort to reshape how a new generation of scholars understands rural life and society


The MacMillan Center fosters connections throughout Yale that enable our scholars to advance their work.

Promoting understanding of the world and in the world