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Anna Titherington Nutter Fund

The Anna Titherington Nutter Fund is accepting applications from Yale E&RS MA students for research and travel support on or in Eastern Europe, in honor of Anna Titherington Nutter. The fund is intended to promote the values that Anna strove for in her own work. Preference will be given to applications with a focus on social justice, marginalization, and peace. This award is reserved for current MA students in the E&RS MA program and will accept one or two students for funding up to $3,000.

Anna Nutter believed that all people, no matter their background, deserved understanding and acceptance. For her, combatting marginalization required both research and action: working with African refugees as an undergraduate at Bowdoin in Brunswick, ME, being a student Freedom Rider for a PBS documentary, and creating an African student support group in Ukraine. As an MA student in E&RS MA program at Yale, she studied minority populations and marginalization in Eastern Europe. Anna loved the written word and its power to educate and change minds. She believed - and lived by – the idea that “education and understanding can help shine a light on those who feel isolated and promote peace.”

Application Information:

  • Available for travel during Spring break and Summer.
  • Deadline for summer or spring break is March 2 to 
  • 2-3 pages of proposal and detailed budget is required
  • No letters of recommendation required