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European Studies Council
Archive of Past Events

Spring 2004 | Fall 2004 | Spring 2005 | Fall 2005 | Spring 2006 | Fall 2006

Fall 2006

12 September thru Mid-January

Russian Graphic Art and the Revolution of 1905
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 121 Wall Street
8:30am - 5:00pm

Thursday, September 21 @ 4:00pm

Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Heinrich Böll Foundation,
“The Merkel Government, One Year After the Election”

Room 119, 8 Prospect Place

Co-sponsored by European Union Studies

22-23 September 2006

The Council on European Studies at Yale University in cooperation with The Constantine Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, and the Yale University Hellenic Studies Program present

Euroatlantic Integrations and Southeastern Europe
A Conference

Friday, 22 September
Panel 1
“EU Enlargement and Southeastern Europe”

Panel 2
“NATO Enlargement and Southeastern Europe”

Saturday, 23 September”
Panel 3
“Regional Integration in Southeastern Europe: The Unfinished Business”


For more information, contact Marianne Lyden at the European Studies Council office: or, by telephone, 203-432-3423.

Tuesday, October 17 @ 4:00pm

Beinecke Library and European Studies presents

Laura Engelstein, Henry S. McNeil Professor of History, Yale University and Chair of the European Studies Council
“Russian Graphic Art and the Revolution of 1905”

Laura Engelstein is the guest curator of the exhibition “Russian Graphic Art and the Revolution of 1905.”

Beinecke Library Mezzanine, 121 Wall Street. Open to the general public.

Wednesday, October 25 @ 4:30pm

European Studies and the Department of History present

David Clay Large, Professor of History, Montana State University an Author of: And the World Closed Its Doors: The Story of One Family Abandoned to the Holocaust, Berlin, and Where Ghosts Walked: Munich’s Path to the Third Reich
“Hitler’s Games: Race and Politics in the 1936 Olympics

McDougal Center, Room 119B, Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York Street.

Monday. November 27 @ 4:00pm

Omer Bartov, Brown University
“Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine: History, Genocide, and the Politics of Memory”

Room 401, Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York Street.

Tuesday, November 28 @ 4:30pm

Antony Polonsky, Brandeis University, with Piotr Sommer, Yale University
“Is Poland Cosmopolitan?”

Room 203, Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Avenue.

Thursday, November 30 @ 4:30pm

European Studies and European Union Studies

Francesco Meggiolaro, Yale University
“Global Europe: The Trade Priorities of the EU for the Next Decade”

Room 202, Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Avenue.

Spring 2006

January 2006

Tuesday, 1/17, 12:00pm

Lutz Klinkhammer, German Historical Institute
“Violence During German Occupation of Italy 1943-1945.
History, Memory and Punishment”

Sponsored by European Studies and the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence

February 2006

Wednesday, 2/1, 4:00p.m.

Chris Patten
Former Governor General of Hong Kong and Commissioner of the European Union in charge of External Relations

“Cousins and Strangers: America, Britain, and Europe”

Sponsored by the European Studies Council and the European Union Studies Program at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies

February 9-11


“Europe at the Crossroads: Cinema circa 1956”
Film Festival and Conference at Yale University

April 2006

Friday, April 7 & Saturday, April 8


European Union Studies. Enlargement & the European Union: Strategy, Impact, Limits

Fall 2005

Monday, September, 19

Marcello Pera
President of the Italian Senate
“Italian Politics and the EU”
(hosted by European Union Studies Program)

Wednesday, September 21

Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander
Member of Parliament
Minister of State for Europe, United Kingdom
“Britain and the European Union”

Friday, September, 23

Denis Chaibi
European Commission and former visiting Fellow, European Union Studies Program and Council on European Studies
“European Foreign Policy: Is There an Agenda after the Referenda?”
(hosted by European Union Studies Program)

Spring 2005

Wednesday, January 19

What’s New in Soviet History?
European Studies Council
Lecture Series 2004-2005

Adrienne Edgar
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Tribal Nation: The Making of Soviet Turkmenistan”

Sponsored by European Studies and History

Monday, January 31

What’s New in Soviet History?
European Studies Council
Lecture Series 2004-2005

Oleg Khlevniuk
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow;
Author of The History of the Gulag: From Collectivism to the Great Terror
“Issues in the Current Historiography of the
Stalinist Terror and the Gulag”

February 17-20, 2005

“Somewhere in Europe, circa 1945”

Film Festival/Conference

Whitney Humanities Center

Sponsored by European Studies, the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Film Studies, Whitney Humanities Center, and History of Art. (click for more information.)

Saturday and Sunday, April 16-17, 2005

International Conference on
Religion, Identity, and Empire

Click to download conference program.

Sponsored by European Studies, the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, the Judaic Studies Program, the Center for Comparative Research, Slavic Languages and Literatures, and the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund at Yale.

Fall 2004

Thursday, November 4

What’s New in Soviet History?
European Studies Council

“Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars, 1945-1953”

Ethan Pollock
Syracuse University

Sponsored by European Studies and History

Thursday, November 11

“History, Historic Culture and Museums of History: New Perspectives and Challenges in Germany”

Rosmarie Beier
Honorary Professor, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte, and Director of Collection, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin

Sponsored by European Studies

Tuesday, November 16

“Transatlantic Relations After the Election: What Happens Now?”

Jolyon Howorth
Visiting Professor of Political Science, Yale University

Sponsored by European Studies and the Program on European Union Studies

The Council on European Studies and The Yale Program on European Union Studies present

France, the EU, and the U.S.: Allies or Antagonists?

Fréderic Charillon
Director, Center for Sciences, French Ministry of Defense

The Council on European Studies at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies and The Department of Political Science

present a roundtable

Beslan in Context: Terror in Russia


Dmitry V. Suslov, Deputy Director for Research, Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, Moscow

Boris Kapustin, Senior Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Visiting Professor of Political Science, Yale University

Keith Darden, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yale University

Stathis Kalyvas, Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science, Yale University and Director of the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence

Ignacio Sanchez-Cuenca, Associate Professor, Political Science, Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Instituto Juan March; Associate Professor, Sociology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain and Visiting Associate Professor, Council on European Studies and Department of Political Science, Yale University

Spring 2004

The Degeneration of War, 1914-1945
International Conference
April 24-25, 2004

Click here for conference information.