Modern Europe Colloquium | Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
The Modern Europe Colloquium presents Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins, Assistant Professor of History, Wesleyan University, on a title tba.
Location: HQ (Humanities Quadrangle), Rm 107, 320 York St.
The Modern Europe Colloquium is generously sponsored by the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund; and the European Studies Council of the Yale MacMillan Center
Bio: Daniel Steinmetz–Jenkins is an intellectual historian of modern Global Political thought. He primarily concentrates on such topics as the history of the modern global peace movement, decolonization, theories of development, political economy, and the intersections of religion and politics. He is an Assistant Professor in the College of Social Studies at Wesleyan University. He runs a regular interview series at The Nation. He is the reviews and essays editor at Modern Intellectual History and the former managing editor of The Immanent Frame.
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