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Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships Information & Frequently Asked Questions

Overview of the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships presented as a powerpoint presentation at an ESC grants infosession beginning of February 2021.

Summer FLAS FAQs 

1. What are the guidelines for determining whether a summer language program is “intensive?” 

Summer language programs for undergraduates and graduates at all levels of language learning should be a minimum of six weeks. IFLE requires 140 contact hours, or in-classroom instruction, for beginner and intermediate level instruction, while 120 hours are required at the advanced level. The period of study should be consecutive. 

2. Is a student allowed to conduct research as part of a FLAS summer language training program? 

No. The student must meet the program duration and contact hours of instruction with intensive language training coursework only. A summer fellowship must offer the student the equivalent of a full-year of classroom language training. It is therefore unallowable to detract from this requirement to conduct research. 

3. Should students receive credit(s) for all studies conducted during their FLAS award? 

Yes. FLAS fellowship recipients should receive full credit from the programs they attend. If participating in a program away from the home institution, FLAS recipients should ensure that appropriate credits will be transferred to the student’s transcript. If a program provides alternative options, such as letters of completion, this should be discussed with the Program Director for European Studies Council, Asia Neupane, and will be evaluated on a case by case basis in consultation with the IFLE program officer. 

4. Is “Pass/Fail” an allowable grade option for FLAS-supported courses? 

No. Courses taken to fulfill the FLAS requirements should be taken for a letter grade. Electives outside the program of foreign language and area studies may be taken on a pass/fail basis if allowed by the degree program. 

5. What are some suggestions on how to identify a high-quality language program? 

Consult with language faculty on campus to see whether they are familiar with the program. You may also contact the Program Director for European Studies Council, Asia Neupane, to find out whether the program has been approved for summer FLAS use in the past and how students have evaluated the program(s). 

6. Beyond coursework, is anything required of FLAS Fellows? 

All FLAS Fellows are required to make pre- and post-award reports online to the U.S. Department of Education and will be surveyed every two years following their award for a period of up to eight years. In addition, all FLAS Fellows must take pre- and post-award language proficiency assessments. 

Academic Year FLAS FAQs 

1. Should students receive credit(s) for all studies conducted during their FLAS award? 

Yes. IFLE expects FLAS fellowship recipients to receive grades and credits for the area studies courses and language courses supported by a FLAS fellowship. 

2. Is “Pass/Fail” an allowable grade option for FLAS-supported courses? Can one Audit a Course? 

No. Courses taken to fulfill the FLAS requirements should be taken for a letter grade and not audited. Electives outside the program of foreign language and area studies may be taken on a pass/fail basis if allowed by the degree program and cannot be audited. 

3. Is a fellow allowed to use an AY fellowship to enroll in courses at the home institution and to take courses at an overseas institution during the academic year? 

Yes. An AY fellowship recipient is allowed to divide his/her academic year between the home institution and an overseas institution, as long as the student is enrolled full-time and take at least one related area studies courses, international studies courses, and at least one language course. The IFLE program officer must approve the overseas coursework and institutional affiliation. 

4. Can an AY FLAS recipient take a semester or quarter off and finish work for the award period during the summer or following academic year? 

No. Students who do not complete their FLAS requirements during the original award period forfeit the remaining portion of their awards. Similarly, if extenuating circumstances prevent a student from accepting/using a FLAS AY award during the academic year, the fellowship is forfeited and subsequently awarded to a deserving alternate on the FLAS list. 

5. Are FLAS awards granted for the study of Latin, Sanskrit, Classical Greek, Classical Chinese, Old Church Slavonic or other ancient languages? 

FLAS fellowships are to support the study of modern foreign languages. Highly unlikely, but FLAS awards may be granted for ancient languages only if it clearly supports language and area studies in the related modern foreign language. 

6. Beyond coursework, is anything required of FLAS Fellows? 

All FLAS Fellows are required to make pre- and post-award reports online to the U.S. Department of Education and will be surveyed every two years following their award for a period of up to eight years. In addition, all FLAS Fellows must take pre- and post-award language proficiency assessments. 

7. What level of language courses will fulfill the FLAS requirement? 

Undergraduate students awarded the FLAS Fellowship must take courses at the intermediate or advanced level. Graduate students may apply for beginning level language study only if the student has achieved advanced proficiency in another language related to his/her area of expertise and research. 

8. What courses can a FLAS recipient who places at the L5 level enroll in to fulfill the FLAS language requirement? 

Students should take a placement exam to determine their exact language level. The placement exam will help advise you into the appropriate L5 course level. Any L5 language course will meet the FLA language requirement.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements for undergraduate FLAS recipients

· U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents · Enrolled in an institution receiving an allocation of fellowships

· Enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in a program that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies, or research and training in the international aspects of professional or other fields of study

· Studying a less commonly taught language (LCTL)* and studying their language at the intermediate or advanced level

Eligibility requirements for graduate FLAS recipients

· U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents · Enrolled in an institution receiving an allocation of fellowships

· Enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in a program that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies, or research and training in the international aspects of professional or other fields of study

Eligibility requirements for Ph.D. candidates (for FLAS dissertation writing or dissertation research abroad

· U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents · Enrolled in an institution receiving an allocation of fellowships

· Must have already advanced to candidacy

· For dissertation research abroad or dissertation writing at home institution

· IFLE encourages Ph.D. candidates to consider the Fulbright-Hays DDRA program

For all FLAS awards · Shows potential for high academic achievement based on indices such as grade point average, class ranking, or similar measures determined by the institution

* LCTLs are defined as any modern foreign language other than Spanish, German, or French