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Memory 607

The colloquium will begin 25 June 2007 at 9:30 AM in the conference hall of the European University in St. Petersburg (3 Gagarinskaia Street). Registration will begin at 9:00 AM. Visitors are welcome. Attendance is free.


Please contact individual authors if you wish to obtain the Conference papers, which are no longer available online.

Historical Memory and the Orthodox Church

Heather Coleman (University of Alberta, Canada), “The Orthodox Clergy, Historical Memory, and Little Russian Identity in 19th-Century Kiev”

Vera Shevzov (Smith College, USA), ”Making History Sacred: Mary and Orthodox Memory in Late Imperial Russia” in absentia.

Maksim Viktorovich Pul’kin (Institute of Language, Literature, and History, Karelian Academic Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia), “Orthodox Memory: Patterns in the Commemoration of Events in Late 19th and Early 20th-Century Religious Life”

Commentator:William Wagner (Williams College, USA)

The Russian Empire: The Role of Memory and Political Memory

Kerstin S. Jobst (University of Hamburg, Germany), “The Crimea as a Russian Lieu de mémoire in absentia.

Marina Vitukhnovskaia (Revall Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland),  “The Battle of the Monuments: The Russian-Swedish War and the Conquest of Finnish Territories in the National Memory of the Empire and the Grand Principality”

Vladimir Vinkent’evich Lapin (St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), “Russia’s Acquisition of the Caucasus in the Historical Memory of State and Society”

Commentator:Richard Wortman (Columbia University, USA)

Social Memory and Family Memory

Irina Paperno (University of California, Berkeley, USA), “Herzen’s Family Drama as a Cultural Institution, 1860-1930s”

Catriona Kelly (Oxford University, UK), “Making Memories: Children and the Personal Past in Early Twentieth-Century Russia”

Orlando Figes (Birkbeck College, London, UK), “Private Life in Stalin’s Russia: Family Narratives, Memory and Oral History”

Commentator:John Randolph (University of Illinois, USA)

Regional Memory and Ethno-Religious Identity

Oleh Turiy (Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine), “ ‘Remembering History’ as a Factor in the Formation of the National Identity of Mid-19th-Century Galician Ukrainians.”

Mikhail Dmitrievich Dolbilov (European University, St. Petersburg, Russia), “Memory and Confessional Identity in the Western Provinces of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century: The Case of Catholicism.”

Rustem Askhatovich Khaziev (Bashkir State University, Russia), “Heroes of the Bashkir Rebellions in Historical Memory and the Early 20th -Century National Movement”

Guido Hausmann (Trinity College, Dublin, Irland), “Accelerated Time and Historical Memory in Volga Tourist Guides in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries”

Commentator:Paul Bushkovitch (Yale University, USA)

Historical Memory in Twentieth-Century Social and Political Life

Konstantin Nikolaevich Morozov (Memorial, Moscow, Russia), “Creation of the Historical Myth of the SR Party by the Politburo and the RKP(b) Agitprop During the SR Trial of 1922”

Sergei Valerievich Bespalov (INION Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia), “The Image of the ‘Tsar Liberator’ Alexander II in Early 20th-Century Political Struggles”

Petr Nikolaevich Bazanov (St. Petersburg State University of Culture and the Arts, Russia), “The Publishing Activities of the Political Organizations of the Russian Emigration, as a System for Preserving Historical Memory”

Albert Pavlovich Nenarokov (Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, Moscow, Russia) and André Liebich (Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland), “The First Postrevolutionary Jubilee of Russian Social Democracy: The Consolidation of Party Mythology”

Commentator:Ziva Galili (Rutgers University, USA)

Memory of the “Old Regime,” Memory of the Revolution

Diane P. Koenker (University of Illinois, USA), “Historical Tourism: Revolution as a Tourist Attraction”

Timo Vihavainen (Helsinki University, Finland) “The Year 1918 in the Historical Memory of Finland”

Frederick Corney (College of William and Mary, USA), “Memory in Exile: Soviet Russia and the Persistence of Counter-Memories”

Commentator:Manfred Hildermeier (University of Göttingen, Germany)

Stalinism and Historical Memory

Martin Aust (Kiel Historical Seminar, Germany), “Historizing the Polish Enemy: Memories of 17th-century Wars in Stalinist Russia and Ukraine 1936-1941” (in English). Download paper in Russian.

Frithjof Benjamin Schenk (University of Munich, Germany), “Layers of Memory: Sergei Eisenstein’s ‘Alexander Nevsky’ (1938) as Intertext”

Evgenii Viktorovich Anisimov (St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia),  “The Fate of A. Tolstoy’s Novel, Peter the Great, in Film and in Soviet Historiography”

Commentator:Maria Ferretti (University of Tuscia, Italy)

Historiography and Historical Memory

William G. Rosenberg (University of Michigan, USA), “Is Social Memory a Useful Category of Historical Analysis?”

Jutta Scherrer (School of Graduate Study in the Social Sciences, Paris, France), “ ‘The Silver Age’ in Historical Memory and Historical Mythology”

Irina Savelieva (Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, State University – Higher School of Economics. Moscow, Russia), “ ‘Historical Memory:’ Intellectual Sources and Empirical Studies”

Commentator:Daniel Orlovsky (Southern Methodist University, USA)

Project Directors:
Laura Engelstein (Yale University)
Boris I. Kolonitskii (St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences)

Supporting institutions:
European Studies Council, The MacMillan Center, Yale University (USA)
St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)
European University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation)
This conference is funded in part by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and a contribution from the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.

Organizing Committee:
Vladimir Cherniaev (Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Ziva Galili (Rutgers University)
Manfred Hildermeier (University of Göttingen)
Mikhail Krom (European University, St. Petersburg)
Daniel Orlovsky (Southern Methodist University)
Sergei Potolov (Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences)
William Rosenberg (University of Michigan)
Nikolai Smirnov (Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences)

Contact addresses: Laura Engelstein
Boris Ivanovich Kolonitskii