Isabel Prioleau

Isabel Prioleau is a junior in Davenport College pursuing a B.A. in Political Science and a certificate in French. She is interested in democratic backsliding, electoral integrity, and the political economy of coercion in Europe. Specifically, Isabel is interested in how political-economic institutions can be co-opted in service of coercion. Recently, Isabel has researched methods of economic and political repression in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary through the lens of crises such as the 2008 financial crisis, the 2015 European migrant crisis, COVID-19, and Russia’s war in Ukraine. As one part of her work as a research assistant for Professor Sarah Bush, Isabel was a member of a research team for Professor Bush’s work on election monitoring. During this project, Isabel specialized in francophone countries, and compiled and coded French-language reports from international election observation organizations. Currently, Isabel is a research assistant for Professor Allison Harris’s Judicial Decision Making Project.