Andrea Aldrich

My research interests are focused on political representation, gender, and comparative political institutions. My work examines the relationship between internal political party dynamics and legislative representation. I am particularly interested in investigating the influence of internal party organization on gender equality in elections and my research has recently been published in JCMS: the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, and Politics & Gender. I currently teach Gender and Politics, Comparative Electoral and Party Systems, and the Legacies of Communism and Conflict in Europe. I am also the co-chair of the Political Parties Research Network for the Council for European Studies and a member of the Political Parties Database Project (PPDB). Before arriving at Yale, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Houston with the PPDB under the direction of Dr. Susan Scarrow, a visiting scholar at Texas A&M University, and Fulbright Scholar at the University of Zagreb in Croatia.