Aya Marczyk

Agnieszka Aya Marczyk is a Research Scholar at the MacMillan Center and a Curriculum Development Fellow at the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies and the Beinecke Library. She specializes in modern European intellectual history and has co-edited and translated several books that explore the intersection of culture and politics, including, with Adam Michnik, Against Anti-Semitism: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Polish Writings (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Her recent work focuses on partnerships, teaching materials, and instructional strategies that build bridges between history instruction in high school and college classrooms. She has worked with scholars and educators to create the Fortunoff Archive's Race and Citizenship digital teaching set; it centers audiovisual testimony to explore the value and limits of historical comparisons between Nazi Germany in the 1930s and Jim Crow United States. Her research explores how teaching with historiography and archival collections can support students' development as historical thinkers. Her current projects include Teaching Historiography: Testimony and the Study of the Holocaust in the American Historical Review, and The Art of Listening, an upcoming digital teaching set that invites students to learn from the Fortunoff Archive's interview methodology.
She organizes and participates in seminars, workshops, and learning communities that bring together faculty, scholars, and teachers from diverse settings. These have included symposia with Yale's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Facing History's annual Rachel Shankman Symposium, American Historical Association's online learning webinars, and pedagogy workshops with other partner organizations.
She has a PhD in European intellectual history from the University of Pennsylvania, an MS in cognitive psychology from Bucknell University, and a BA from Brown.