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Boris Sokolov

Henry Hart Rice Visiting Associate Professor
Boris Sokolov

I am a leading research fellow at the Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (which I was the Director of in 2021-2023), Higher School of Economics, Russia. I am also an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Russia. I am most interested in the political effects of cultural change worldwide, methodological issues related to multinational comparative surveys, and post-Soviet politics. My contributions to these fields have been published in flagship political science journals such as American Political Science ReviewWorld Politics, and International Studies Quarterly. While at Yale, I will be working on projects exploring strategic use of media framing for blame avoidance by authoritarian governments and socio-political effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia. I will also be teaching a graduate course on public opinion in Post-Soviet Russia.