Russian Language Study Away Opportunities 2022-23
With studying abroad in Russia currently all but impossible in most cases, where can students from U.S. colleges and universities go for an intensive or immersive term of Russian language study and practice? To find out, watch the video from this free webinar (held May 12th, 2022, 12-1 pm Eastern U.S. Time), which connected students, faculty, and administrators to representatives of summer intensive programs in the U.S. and of study abroad options in post-Soviet countries like Georgia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan where Russian is spoken widely at the host institution and among parts of the population. (See below for the full list of the programs that REEESNe has identified with active programs in the upcoming academic year and/or in Summer 2022/Summer 2023; those with asterisks participated in the webinar.) After short presentations from all of the participating programs, attendees were able to circulate between breakout rooms to speak with the representatives of specific programs. Note that representatives are best able to address questions related to their program offerings; for questions about matters such as course credits, please reach out to your own institution’s study away office.
Study away in the U.S.
Bryn Mawr Russian Language Institute (Pennsylvania) *
College of William & Mary ROTC Project GO (Virginia)
Columbia University Russian Practicum (New York)
Middlebury Language Schools (Vermont)
University of Pittsburgh Summer Language Institute (Pennsylvania) *
Study abroad in Eurasia
American Councils Study Abroad (Kazakhstan) *
Bard College (Kyrgyzstan) *
Learn Russian in the European Union (Latvia) *
SRAS (Kyrgyzstan and Georgia) *
University of Arizona (Kazakhstan) *