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2024-25 REEESNe Student Conference

Spring 2025 Undergraduate and Master's Conference at Yale University
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2025 REEESNe Student Conference Poster

At Yale University on March 29-30, 2025, REEESNe is holding its annual FREE student conference for undergraduate students and students in Master's programs (including students doing Master's-level work in doctoral programs). The conference will feature panels of student research presentations, roundtables for sharing of student experience with endeavors such as internships and activism, a professionalization panel with alumni who have applied their REEES-related expertise to diverse careers, cultural events, and more. While also encouraging students to seek financial assistance from their own institutional and personal/familial sources, REEESNe prioritizes meeting need where it exists and expects to be able to assist substantially with accommodations and travel. Please see below for instructions on applying.

Presentation proposals and financial aid applications were due by February 3rd, 2025

Submission Instructions

Students must have at least one presentation accepted in order to attend. We welcome presentations that feature breadth and/or depth, and hope to showcase student experience and research in a variety of fields, including political science, history, literature, security and cybersecurity studies, activism, language studies, environmental studies, and other fields that engage with the places and peoples of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian worlds, and their intersections with global communities. We encourage students from all disciplines to submit proposals.

We will feature two presentation formats:
A)    4- to 6-minute lightning round presentations (speaking from notes and, ideally, slides)
B)    10- to 15-minute paper presentations (formally reading a polished student paper)

Be sure that your proposal meets all submission requirements by consulting the full conference guidelines here.

Per-student restrictions include a maximum of one read paper and a limit of two presentations overall; each student may submit proposals for two lightning round presentations or one lightning round presentation plus one paper. Proposals for two papers will not be considered. 

Please click here to apply.