2024-25 REEESNe Student Conference

With generous support from its external sponsor, as well as from the Yale MacMillan Center's Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies Program and Central Asia Initiative and from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund, REEESNe is holding its annual FREE student conference at Yale University on March 29-30, 2025. This event brings together undergraduate students and students in Master's programs (including students doing Master's-level work in doctoral programs) from across the northeast. The conference features panels of student research presentations, roundtables for sharing of student experience with endeavors such as internships and activism, a professionalization panel with alumni who have applied their REEES-related expertise to diverse careers, cultural events, and more. Presentation proposals and financial aid applications were due by February 3rd, 2025
While this is primarily an in-person conference, certain events on March 29th will be accessible in hybrid format over Zoom. Check the schedule below closer to the date for the links.
Conference Schedule
(Check back soon for the full schedule with panel titles and links for hybrid sessions)
March 29th
10:45-11:45 Hybrid: Conference Welcome and Alumni Career Panel (Luce Hall Auditorium)
• Maria Grosjean, Fulbright Scholar with the Russian State University for the Humanities and Literary Manager at The Bay Street Theatre (BA Stephens College)
• Aemin Becker, Consultant with Booz Allen (BA University of New Haven)
• Hugh Truslow, Head of Social Sciences and Visualization with Harvard University's Fung Library (BA University of Vermont; MSLIS Simmons University)
• Lily Nemirovsky, Bishkek Program Coordinator with SRAS (BA Mount Holyoke College)
12:00-1:15 Hybrid Lunch and Lightning-Round Presentations on Student Experiences in the Field (Luce Hall rooms 202 and 203, with lunch served in the Luce Common Room)
1:30-2:00 Hybrid Student Presentations from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences in Budva, Montenegro (Luce Hall Auditorium)
2:00-2:30 Hybrid Student Presentations from Mariupol State University (Luce Hall Auditorium)
2:45-4:15 Hybrid Keynote: "Why did the Russo-Ukrainian War start in Donbas?" - Sergiy Kudelia, Associate Professor of Political Science at Baylor University (Luce Hall Auditorium)
4:30-6:00 Session I: Panels of Student Research Papers (Luce Hall and Rosenkranz Hall Classrooms)
6:30-8:30 Dinner, Exhibition, and Concert (Miller Hall at Yale's Institute for Sacred Music)
• 6:30: Appetizer service
• 6:45: Welcome and Concert by Yale's Near Eastern & Balkan Ensemble
• 7:15: Dinner and Viewing of the Bulgarian Icon Exhibition "Noah's Garden: The Porcelain Worlds of Svetlozar Parmakov"
March 30th
7:45-8:45 Breakfast (Luce Hall Common Room)
8:45-10:15 Session II: Panels of Student Research Papers (Luce Hall and Rosenkranz Hall Classrooms)
10:30-12:10 Session III: Panels of Student Research Papers (Luce Hall and Rosenkranz Hall Classrooms)
12:10-1:00 Lunch: Eat in or Grab It to Go (Luce Hall Common Room)
Sponsorship is provided by:
- REEESNe's generous donor
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Program
Central Asia Initiative
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund