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France and Whiteness: Breaking with the Collaboration of Race

The Decolonizing Europe Lecture Series presents Houria Bouteldja, founding member of le Parti des Indigènes de la république, on “France and Whiteness: breaking with the collaboration of race” Hosted by Professor Fatima EI-Tayeb, Yale University

Houria Bouteldja is a founding member of le Parti des lndigenes de la republique, decolonial political party based in France. She wrote numerous theoretical strategical articles on decolonial feminism, racism, autonomy and political alliances as well as articles on Zionism and state philosemitism. She is the author with Sadri Khiari of “Nous sommes les indigenes de la republique” (Editions Amsterdam), “Whites, Jews and Us, towards a politics of revolutionary love” ( Semiotext( e) ), and recently “Beauts et Barbares, le pari du nous” (Editions La Fabrique). She recently resigned from the party but she is still a decolonial activist.

Sponsored by: Yale Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund; European Studies Council (ESC) at the Yale MacMillan Center; and the Race, Migration, and Coloniality in Europe Working Group.